Sunday, December 23, 2012


My heart can hardly believe it! 
I have to be completely honest... when I think of leaving my kids... I don't even want to go to that thought... When I think of leaving my precious newborn who took us by surprise about a month ago... ugh!!! 
But when I think of how confident I am in the fact that the Lord has called me to GO!  How can I say no???  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am supposed to GO!  Really, I kind of can't describe the feeling, not sure I have had it before... I felt clearly the Lord saying GO this past fall... and...
I know that I know that I know that this sweet little Isaiah's arrival
even though it did us! 
I have total confidence in the fact that Greg will take off some work, my sister will come down and help for some time (Wow... I owe here BIG TIME!!! Beth, you and the hubby should go on a vaca before the next little one arrives... of course I can watch the kids!!!!) and my in laws will help when Greg takes off of work... I trust that they will be in great hands when I am gone...
I know some have been a little skeptical of my desire to GO... even expressed some not so supportive feelings... All I can say is that I can't say no to God... I had prayed before I made the plans to go... I have been praying since Isaiah's arrival that if I wasn't supposed to go that the Lord would make it abundantly clear!  And I haven't felt the Lord leading in that way at all...
In fact with each passing day my heart is filled with more excitement over the work that we will do there...
So in 24 days... my 2 oldest sons, my sweet niece, my rocking cousin, my  precious friend and I will converge in Texas to meet up with others in Europe to head to Uganda on the adventure of a lifetime...
I CAN.NOT.WAIT to see all that the Lord will show us, teach us... the ways that He will use us, change us, grow us... I.CAN.NOT.WAIT. to reach out to the orphans, widows, and street kids there with the love of my Savior!  I.CAN.NOT.WAIT.  to use the money, over $3000 that was raised at our church to provide for the needs of kids who need so much...
I know that my heart  is going to be broken in 2 for the people there... that is my prayer now for the boys and I, for all of us... that the Lord would break our hearts for the things that break his... And that we would be willing to do whatever He asks while we are there...
Please be praying for us if we come to mind over the next few weeks as we prepare... I can't wait to share this next step in our journey with you!  My God is so good!


Anonymous said...

We are excited for you -- and that you have such sweet, clear direction! Go forth boldly! love mary and chris

Heather said...

My husband and I will be leaving our four young children with my mother and heading down to Haiti in February. I know the crazy feeling, and I also know the feeling when things line up perfectly. How can you say no? You will be in my prayers for joy in the journey and for your children at home as well.