Ok, this is going to be kind of a random post. Greg got back from the youth mission trip yesterday. Yeah!!! It is so nice to have him home. Please pray for him if you think of it, he is getting an epidural shot in his back tomorrow for a bulging disk. He has been in a lot of pain for the last 2 months. We are praying that this helps him.
So my dad used to always say that my mom could stretch a buck to 2 bucks... but that I could stretch a buck to 5. I always took that as a compliment. Ever since we had Louis, I knew that I wanted to be home with him and I would do anything possible to make that happen. With Greg being a church worker, I have always tried to be frugal and be a good steward of the resources God has blessed us with. My brother-in-law has always said I should somehow make a living off my "cheap living" ways. I kind of thought that was funny. But really I have always thought of it as a kind of fun challenge, living with in our means. I have never thought of it as being a bad or tough thing... as wierd as it may sound, I kind of enjoy it:)
Well, I have never really been a coupon cutter. But I have a bad... or good feeling that is going to change. The picture above is from my first REAL shopping with coupons adventure. I got all of the above, (11 boxes of cereal, 5 cake mixes, 10 weight watcher meals, 2 boxes of veggie burgers, 3 lbs. of strawberries, 4 yogurts, 1 skillet meal, 4 cartons of icecream, and 2 boxes of pop-tarts... that was the treat for the kids after all the craziness with the coupons:) for $32. I thought that was a pretty good deal. Prior to using my coupons the bill was $104. Is that crazy or what? I NEVER would have paid $104 for all of that.
It was really quited educational for the kids. They were all so excited to see the money coming off of the bill. Actually, I rarely buy any convenience foods, I am really a cook from scratch kind of gal. I really try to cook healthy for the kids. I usually put out a plate of fruit and veggies in the morning for the kids to snack on through out the day. If we ever have "sweet cereal" we make the kids mix it with a cereal that isn't sweet. I am a bit of a stickler normally.
I really need to get back to my once a month cooking because most days I have a hard time getting motivated to make something good for us. Ever since Samuel died I have struggled with that. So right now my freezer is full, but not with anything that I could just throw in the oven and have ready. So I am actually thankful for some of the convenience foods that I picked up.
I will keep you posted on my next coupon excusions:) Thanks for the prayers for my honey:)
It always amazes me, when I read your posts, how much we are alike! I love to pinch pennies and find a good deal. We have started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University at our church. I've been feeding my family healthy meals and snacks for about $100 each week. We have budgeted more than that for groceries, but it is a fun challenge to see how much I can save! I also have struggled with grocery shopping and meal planning since Grady died. I have had major concentration issues since his death, and I can't focus on one thing too long without feeling very anxious. Frustrating to say the least! I enjoyed you sharing your bargains with us! Praying for Greg this morning, hoping the shot will relieve some of the pain.
You are one WILD woman! I cannot believe you got all of that for $32...that's crazy. Once we move, we'll have to be in contact about that whole once a month cooking - and coupons! What am I going to do without our food bank?!
I'm glad your husband is back safe and sound. I'm so sorry to hear about his back, it sounds awful! We'll be praying for sure.
-Love to you all
That is awesome you bought all of that for only $32! I am going to have to try doing that next semester when school starts back up! Praying that the epidural helps!
You are THE BOMB.COM!!!!! Haaha that is amazing!! you and Blake are sooo alike! I smile when he reminds me of you when we are shopping! LOve and miss you!
I am finally caught up on reading your blog!! Woohooo, i have been lazy on my end of posting :(
Ok...that is motivating me to try. I always get a little frustrated with my shopping with coupons. It looks so easy, but somehow I make it so hard. Thinking of you often.
Oh Sara...I just caught up on the rest of your blog. My heart is broken for you and that sweet girl! I am soo sorry I have not caught up sooner. I have no words...just a prayer and a hug to send. Call or write if you need someone to just listen. Just so sorry.
this is awesome I am the same way You can actually check out this site www.thegrocerygame.com it gives you coupons but it also alerts you to items on sale in your local flyer that has coupons.
A great blog. You are one smart lady. My ex could never learn about being thrifty. She blames her mom for taking her shopping all the time when she was growing up. Anyway all the best to you and the family.
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