How can our first born be 12? We prayed for a longggg time for that little man and we are so blessed that the Lord saw fit to give us Louis.
Honestly, I am not sure I could have made it through the last 8 mos. without him. When Greg is at work, Louis is the man of the house. He has one of the most compassionate hearts I have ever seen. He is so observant and tenderhearted... really I am amazed at it sometimes. He is a joy to have around and is such a big helper with the other kids. I know some woman will be so happy to be on the receiving end of that sweetness someday.
He is maturing more and more each day. It is a little sad to see it, but it is so special to see how God is molding our young man into a wonderful warrior for HIM.
I love to see his faith growing as he grows, that warms my heart more than anything, to see that he loves his Lord. What could be more important than that? Lately I have seen that more and more in the decisions that he makes and why he makes them. He is more and more concious of what God would want him to do in a situation. I am so proud of him for that.
This post was written on July 2nd, but after everything happened with baby Joel, I figured I would wait a bit to post it.
Thank you so much for your prayers for Louis over the last week or so. He seems to be getting over a hump. There is still sadness, but not as many tears, and more joy.
We are praising God today for the precious gift of Louis in our lives!
He's just the kind of young man that I'm praying for my girls to meet! My Jessica is 10! :-) You're doing an amazing job of raising him and he's doing an amazing job of listening, learning and following his heart. God bless him!!!
Happy Birthday Louis! I have to say that from what your mom writes about you, I can tell you're an amazing young man. I can tell that God is going to use you for great things in your life as you continue to trust in Him!
Many blessings this year and in the years to come!
Happy Birthday Louis! We love you and miss you here at the Sem ~
Your cake looks delicious!!! May God bless you with many, many more special birthdays!
Love from The Boggs Family
Happy (late) Birthday, Louis!
We're so glad to know a special boy like you.
The Tiews
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