Sweet little Anna turned 7 yesterday. This was the first year she has really GOTTEN INTO her birthday. She loved talking to everyone on the phone and she was thrilled to tell everyone that she was going to get her ears pierced for her birthday.
The anticipation killed her. She was shedding a few tears prior, but when they actually pierced the ear she didn't flinch... in fact she said she couldn't even feel it... I seem to remember feeling it when I got mine pierced. She did great, and had to inform everyone that she saw while we did our coupon shopping that she did indeed get her ears pierced today.
We relish the fact that we have gotten to spend 7 years with this precious little girl... we know we aren't guaranteed tomorrow so we treasure our time with her. She is so loving, tenderhearted and kind. She loves to be silly and act like a goof ball. She loves her brothers, all 4 of them so much... she would love a sister too. She aims to please her mom and dad. She is compassionate and quite intuitive already. She is growing up WAY too fast. (I just want to bottle her up) She loves her Savior and wants her friends to know Him too. She is pretty easy going for the most part... but at times she shows that she also has the hootspa... (that means she can get a little feisty too) She is really just fun to have around.
We love this precious gift from God. We are so thankful that He has entrusted her into our care for the past 7 years. We love her dearly and can't imagine life with out her. Happy Birthday sweet Girl.
Happy, happy birthday sweet Anna! We love you so much - hope you had a great day!
The Tiews Family
Dear Anna,
I hope you had a GREAT birthday! You're such a big girl getting your ears pierced. Jessica waited until she was 8. Emma Grace can't wait to turn 8 so she can have hers done, too.
I have to tell you about when I got my ears pierced. I was 5 years old. We went to the mall to have it done. When we got there, my dad looked at my mom and said, "Okay, you get yours done and see how bad it hurts before she does it". My mom was shocked and NEVER wanted pierced ears. But she did it for me! My daddy really wasn't going to let me get mine done, so I was very thankful that my mom went first!
You are a beautiful sweet girl, such a blessing to your mommy and daddy. I hope you have a super great year being 7 years old!!!
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