Well I literally decided this morning that we, the kids and I that is, will hit the road tomorrow morning to head up to Wisconsin to visit family and friends. So needless to say, it has been a busy day getting us all packed and ready to go. Actually I think I like the spur of the moment travel. I am a planner so it is kind of nice to just fly by the seat of your pants and just try to pull it all together quick. The kids were a huge help, we even got the house cleaned... I can't stand coming home to a messy house. We will see how Greg does while we are gone. So we will be off to the frozen tundra tomorrow. I have been needing the physical presence of people... and you know my husband does have a job to go to:) So it is time to head north and be with my loved ones. I can't wait to just hang out and be me with those who love me in the good, bad and the ugly times:) It will be nice. My dad just called me last night to remind me that we will make it through this together. He is becoming more of a softie as he gets older... Such a sweet man.
We will be stopping in St. Louis on the way to visit with friends from the sem. Our dear friends the Bogg's are willing to house us for the night, very last minute I might add. So it will be a party, the 8 of the them and the 5 of us in their 750 sq. ft. seminary apartment. We are so grateful for their generosity. I am not sure how long we will get to stay up north. We may need to head back the middle of next week. That was the main reason I wasn't sure about or planning on going. But I decided I needed to go that bad, that it is definitely worth the 12 hour trip even if we only stay for 5 days.
The funeral service was rough. They seem to be holding it together well. I think God just puts your body into a state of shock so that you can function and attend to all of the tasks and decisions that need to be made quickly in those first few days when a death occurs. Their daughter was precious. It was so hard to see them and their grief, all too fresh for us. We were able to greet them and let them know we are here for them, and know just how they feel. Our hearts just ache for them.
So I am not sure if I will get the chance to blog. My parents literally just entered the 21st century by purchasing a computer just this past month. Who knows, Louis will probably be teaching them how to use it:)
So it is goodbye Oklahoma, hello WISCONSIN. Ahhhhh HOME! We are looking forward to the cold weather and maybe some snow... More importantly looking forward to being loved on by all of our loved ones! Praise God for family and friends.
You've probably left already, but I wanted to tell you I'll be praying for safe travels. We're probably totally out of the way, but if you ever come up this way again - we'd love to house you and I'd so love to meet you Sara and hug you!
Safe travels...enjoy!
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