Sorry about the crazy pictures... that is what happens when you crop your pictures and then try to scan them... I thought you still might enjoy them.
What would I do with out my valentine this year? Today I am so thankful to God for my wonderful husband. I have to admit that I am 100% more in love with Greg today than I was 15+ years ago when I married him. He has proven that He is loyal and will stick by me through the beautiful moments as well as the really ugly ones. I don't know anyone who would have been able to be by my side so patiently, the way that he has for the last 3 months. I know it has been really hard on him to see me during the really low times. I am sure he has wondered if he will ever get his wife back. Thanks for sticking with me Greg... for better or for worse.
The bottom picture up above, (does that even makes sense?) was taken the night we got engaged, October 3rd, 1992. I am really disappointed that you can't see the full mullet Greg was sporting. He was so handsome:) We look so young, my Houston and I. I haven't called him that in probably 17 years.
The funny thing is, we had been friends for 2 years after we met in speech class my freshman year of college. Everyone called him Houston, so that is what I had always called him. Then when we were dating he told me that he would like me to call him Greg. I think he thought that would be special because no one in college called him Greg. Now I kind of miss calling him Houston... now, everyone calls him Greg, except for my sister-in-law Jane. I may have to pick up the old nick name again:)
We had a really nice day. A wonderful couple from church volunteered to watch the kids for us. It was such a treat to have free babysitting and a date. We went out to lunch at this really cheap Chinese Restaurant with the best food. A beautiful family came in after us with 5 children. It was like staring at what our family would have been like a few years from now. They had 2 sons, then a daughter, then 2 more sons. The littlest had dark hair just like Samuel might have had. I just cried right in the middle of the restaurant. So many what might have been thoughts run through my head. I am sure there will be many of those till the Lord calls me home.
Then we headed to Old Navy to spend some of my gift cards... on Greg and Louis:) Actually, it was great. Greg didn't have one pair of jeans, so we found a few pairs for $3.49 each. I love a good deal and rarely go shopping so it was sort of fun. Then we rounded off the evening with Sloppy Jo's and hunkered down on the couch to watch the movie Enchanted, myself, the kids and HOUSTON:)
Love is Patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love NEVER fails. ... Now these 3 remain, faith, HOPE, and love, but the greatest of these is LOVE.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 & 13
Love the new blog look...the picture of all 5 of them is GORGEOUS! Thinking of you often
I don't know if this happens to you, but I keep seeing little baby girls that I'm sure are just about the same age Felicity would be. I want to ask their moms how old they are (something I've always done with little babies), but I can't because I'm so afraid their daughter will be Felicity's age and I just know I'd lose it if that happened.
oops, I guess I got impatient and push "publish your comment" twice.
Oh my!!!!! Greg's mullet!!! I thought it was gone forever!! haha Sara, you are still so pretty! I remember wishing I looked like my cousins pretty girlfriend!!!
I love the picture at the top of the blog, I love Jo's face!! HAHA I also love how Sweet Samuel looks like he is just snoozin away. He is so cute!!! How I was he was just taking a nap. I love you all so much!!
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