Monday, December 14, 2015

Advent... We wait...

It is the season of Advent... and we wait...

We light our Advent wreath at night... We read our advent devotional book... we wait...

We await the coming of a babe... our Savior Jesus being born in a humble manger...
We wait as we anticipate celebrating His birthday and our God coming to us in Human form...
And we await Him coming again a second time... Oh how I long for that day...

Sometimeswith the amount of bad things going on in the world, my heart cries... "Lord, how much longer... don't tarry long Father... Come back soon!

Wow!  Christmas is a mere 11 days away... That seems impossible...

And induction day for our birth mom is only 7 days away... That seems even more impossible.

Our house is over flowing with blessings...
Girl Clothes from a friend of ours...
A car seat given to us...
Clothing intended for my dear friends daughter who was stillborn being lent to us for this little one coming... (I know what a big deal that is... clothes intended for sweet baby Emily... now being shared graciously with us...)
A onesie sent from friends who always seem to remember us at special times...
A sleeper sent from one of my dearest friends... specifically one that almost matches the one she bought for our Samuel over 7 years ago... How kind to be that intentional on remembering even now our precious baby boy...
My first rustic cuff, out of the blue from the boys old youth director...

I could go on and on ...

We are so very thankful for God's faithful provision... Adoption isn't easy... Adoption can be stressful... Adoption doesn't always turn out the way you are planning... Adoption is financially draining... and most IMPORTANTLY...


This came in the mail from SHOW HOPE ... The timing was perfect...
Sweet new baby girl... 5 days and we are coming for you... And our hearts are thrilled!

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