When Anna and went to pick it up, we ordered something for her with the gift certificates I received last time we were there ordering mine. Anna was thrilled and we had a ball while we were there, just looking. They have so many different, neat items.
While we were there I came across a bracelet with a really cool quote on it by Eleanor Roosevelt...
A Woman is like a tea bag, you never know how strong she is until you put her in hot water...
So so true... sort of reminds me of being put through the refiner's fire. My, it is hard and hurts at the time, but oh the growth that comes from those times... But when you are in the heat of the "hot water" so to speak, you may just feel ready to get out of that hot tub! Praise God He is faithful to carry us through those times.
We had Good Friday service tonight and all the kids sat great. Really, they all usually do very well, but with Hope it can be a little up for grabs... she is never really bad, just incredibly busy, and constantly wanting to be moving. 2 services down and 2 more to go for this weekend. As much as Good Friday is hard, reflecting on the GREAT sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, I love going to church this night. It is such a great reminder for me to each year when we have that passion story read to us again. It ALWAYS helps to refocus me right before Easter...
I love your necklace! Unfortunately, I got on their website yesterday, and we've missed the deadline for delivery before Mother's Day. Mine will have to be late. Oh well. Hope you have a great Easter! Love to you and your sweet family!
Hey Aunt Sara, I absolutely LOE the neckalce! I was thinking about getting my mom that very one for her birthday! Me, Dad, Callie, and Sophia watched the Passion of the Christ last night. It was terrible! I always knew that it was bad but actually seeing it was just amazing. I can't believe he would go through that for me. Surprisingly Sophia was fine with it and it was Callie who covered her eyes during the movie and asked to be able to sleep with dad. She is so sweet! say hi to the fam for me. May we always remember not to dwell on the cross but to realize that the important part is that HE rose! Praise GOD!!!
I love it!!! Look at all your treasures!!
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