Here are two of my crochet accomplishments since learning off of You Tube while I have been in the hospital. I made one like the green one for Levi and then Louis asked that I make a boy and girl one to put in the teen auction this Sunday at church... so that kept me busy for a bit:) Didn't my precious hubby do a good job picking out yarn for me:) I had some good laughs trying to guide him through the yarn aisle by phone... the process was pretty fun, but I think the end result turned out ok. This yarn was sort of hard to work with because you can't see your stitches real easily... but in the same breath... it also really hides your mistakes:)
Levi's BPP turned out just fine yesterday. Only 2 more BPP's before he is born...YAY! The ultrasound tech spent a lot of time just looking at his face for fun... OH my I know I am totally bias, but goodness does he look like a cutie pie. He actually looks sort of chubby in the face. I can't wait to get my hands and lips on those precious cheeks:) His non stress tests have been fine too. I have had to stay on longer at times because of contractions... but they have always fizzled out, which is great, and honestly I slept through some of them:)
I got the chance to talk with my sister just a couple of days ago. I wanted to ask you all to pray for her friend Susan. I have prayed for Susan and her family off and on for years. My heart continues to hurt for her as her family seems to continually be bombarded with challenges and trials. She has a 10 year old son Ben who is wheelchair bound and has Cerebral Palsy. This past year he has had trouble with repeated severe seizures that he has had to be hospitalized for. Please pray that they figure out how to get those seizures completely under control. Her husband lost his job and they have numerous other health issues within their immediate family. Just a few weeks ago they found a tumor on Susan's thyroid gland. She will be having surgery on the 14th, the same day we are set to have Levi.
Would you please pray for God's healing touch on her body, and the rest of her family. I am praying that the Lord would strengthen her each day and that He sustains her as she faces yet another trial. Please pray that if it is the Lord's will there wouldn't be any cancer there. Obviously, I hate that she is going through this all, but a part of my heart is glad to be able to pray for someone else. I am glad to be able to take my eyes off of myself and put them on the needs of others too, especially on the day that Levi will hopefully be born. Susan, please know this mama's heart will be praying in earnest for your mama's heart:)
If anyone else has any prayer needs, please leave them in the comments and I can focus on praying over them this week... if you rather leave it privately you can always email me at gshintz@yahoo.com
Thanks for lifting up Susan and her family before our Heavenly Father... much love all!
Super cute hats, I am impressed! Can't wait to see that baby boy in one like that. I cannot believe the time is so near. This is your last Monday without him in your arms. I'll be praying for you and all the details of his arrival.
God bless you friend!
Those hats are so cute!!!! And Levi is coming so soon! Yayyyy!
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