DISCLAIMER: I literally am falling asleep at the keyboard... so I make no promises on if this sounds correct, is spelled correctly or any of it...
I posted these pictures because honestly, I couldn't resist. He just makes me smile, laugh and be filled with joy. Today he told me he loved my little tiny buns....Excuse me???? I just had to crack up, because I think the extra calories I am intaking are heading right there these days:)
Jojo as well as his little sister are downright filled with the hootspa. Did you know that the word hootspa is making a come back? My family has always used this word... I have had many friends laugh at me, and then during the last Olympics, I had a friend call me because one of the sportcasters used the work HOOTSPA to describe someones gymnastic routine... that made me laugh.
My blood work all came back fine this week. I was so thankful and really I have felt much better in general the last couple of days. I do think my immunity in general must not be up to par or it may just be my age, I don't know.... but... I have had sooooo many little aches and pains this go around. Am I complaining at all??? NO WAY!!! I am thrilled. But it is odd how I have had a lot of different little ailments that I haven't ever even had in my life. I saw Doctor W on Wednesday and I almost wanted to call again on Friday about something else.
This is very much not like me. I am usually as laid back as they come and am not a worrier by nature. I am thankful that I didn't call... I felt much better today. I don't' want to pester them... but don't want to possibly ignore something either. It is a fine line for me.
Well, I must hit the hay... we got 24 meals in the freezer today... with the help of everyone, but Hope of course...she just made trouble while we all tried to work with her underfoot:) Anyways, I know it will be well worth it when I can pull a meal out and not even have to lift much more than a finger. ... It was exhausting... but fun at the same time. I will try to post some pictures tomorrow.
By the way, Thanks for your prayers for my bloodpressure!
I have to admit that I had never heard the word hootspa until I met you. But it's a perfect word to describe certain little ones!
I have been praying for you and that baby boy every day. I, too, didn't want to bother Dr. Joe all the time but he pointed his finger at me once or twice. Better to be safe! It's natural to worry after everything we've been through. I don't think we would be human if we didn't worry to some degree. But we both know it's all in His hands. Praying for peace to be present more than worry.
I'm so very impressed that you got so many meals in the freezer! I'm not sure we could ever pull that off, but it would be wonderful!
I miss you and think of you and pray for you every day!
So glad that your bloodwork came back normal! Will keep praying that your BP stays in the normal range.
Love the pictures!! So cute.
And way to go with all those meals. Really impressive!!
Hope you can relax this week and get some rest.
Love you-Stacy
Glad you are doing well! I HEAR YOU on the ailments during pregnancy! BOY was mine tough at 40.. I HAD NO IDEA LOL! Reminds me of the "children in ones youth" verse. I AINT young any more LOL! SO GLAD you got those meals done! You will need them! HUGS!
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