Well, all our house guests have left. Yep,that is right, all of them. The girl and her son that were to come on Sunday... did come, but only stayed about 7 hours. She said it had nothing to do with us. Really, I can't blame her, I can't imagine just having a baby, then giving that baby up, and then going to a complete strangers home to recover. She was very sweet, we had a really nice talk during the time that they were here. I don't think her mother was very supportive of the adoption and that is where she was going to stay... She did seem very solid in her decision to place the baby for adoption though. So that was good. The adoptive mom said it probably also had to do with the fact that we hardly get any cell reception at our house. She felt a little lost without the use of her phone. I said she could use our phone anytime. I think she just wanted to be in her own home. I know when I don't feel well, that is where I want to be. I just continue to pray that the Lord will provide what she needs and that seeds will be planted in her heart to turn to HIM. It was a bit of an up and down day, just gearing up to have them here and then for her to leave so soon. We are trusting that was how long God wanted her here.
It has been a busy week with company and all, but I loved it. The tree is up and really looks pretty, Walmart had some beautiful live trees this year... The kids really loved looking at all of their ornaments that they have gotten over the years and we all loved putting up all of Samuel's ornaments that we received last year.
Tonight was the choir program at church... this was where they have a couple and a baby come in dressed as Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. Last year that was supposed to be us, until Samuel died. It stung a little tonight. Even putting up the decorations put me back to what it felt like to put it all up last year. It had only been about a month since he had died. It is all kind of a blur, but I just remember forcing myself to put up a tree for the kids sake... I didn't really feel like it all. This year it felt different, it was actually nice, but it stung a little too. Oh, how I wish he was here to take in all the brightness of the lights or to pull on the ornaments. He would have been just at that age, where you know they are truly starting to understand when you say no. Putting up the tree probably would have been one of the first few teaching, training times. I miss that. I love seeing those sweet precious kids learn right from wrong... even if it would have just been training not to play with the ornaments. I know that sounds crazy that I would miss the training part of it, but I do. I miss so much about not having him here.
At the same time, I feel so much stronger than last year. I feel like I am able to face so much more. It still hurts incredibly, I think I am just learning to deal with that hurt. I still miss him tremendously, but I am learning to live life with a longing for heaven I NEVER had before. I am so thankful that God is walking beside us every step of the way. I am thankful for His sustaining power as we move forward each day.
I echo your thoughts and feelings about Samuel and the tree as it was only about a month after Grady went to heaven when we put the tree up last year. I didn't want to put anything up last year but did it for my girls. This year was different but I did (and do)miss him being here to get into everything!
Good luck with the bunnies!
Praying you have a good day!
I think that is great what you are doing with your children and I know they are having fun and loving it. I am sorry its been so hard on you especially during the holidays and with remebering what would of happened at your church last year. So I don't lose it I get out of bed in the morning knowing and trusting that God has is all under control and He is with us no matter what. If we didn't all go through what we do we wouldn't be able to do his will and relate to others so we can help them better. Though that may be hard to see.
Out of all your hurt a very beautiful spirit has been born. It makes me think of that legend of the phoenix bird. It was an ordinary bird until it went through a fire. Everyone thought the bird was dead but out of the pain and ashes emerged a most beautiful bird. For a while you felt like you died inside too, but you could never have become the strong and beautiful person that you are if you had not gone through the fire.
The fire was not God’s perfect plan for you, but in the end he makes everything work out for our good
God bless you and your family and I am always praying for you and trusting God will heal your broken heart and bind your wounds. He died on the cross for us so we wouldn't have to carry all the guilt and shame around. God loves you. I pray also for your church family and that come to know and love you.
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