
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

rough schedule of our time in Africa

Hey friends... unreal... so very much to do... I haven't begun to pack, still need to unpack from our churches women's retreat this past weekend... not to mention that I need to plan for our home school coop for the next 3 weeks and it is 1:25 am... Aiy yi yi... totally par for the course for me:)  I am hoping I sleep all the way to Uganda and catch up on some much needed rest:)

We leave in less than 2 days... the house looks like a hurricane hit it... I am determined that I don't leave Greg with this mess so tomorrow will be crazy busy after coop and Caleb's basketball game I am sure...

The women's retreat we planned for this past weekend turned out so well... I was so very thankful for all the gals who helped take care of so many of the details... While I thought the timing of it was crazy, right before I needed to leave to go out of the country, it actually worked out perfectly... It was the perfect refreshing time before we head to serve in Uganda... got my mind focused on the tasks just around the bend.  I was so pleased with how it all went, great speakers, great food, super time of growing in our faith and a wonderful time getting to know so many people from our church that I hadn't had the chance to get to know before:)  I was blessed... so very thankful! 

So I had some people ask me to post a rough schedule of our time in Uganda as well as prayer requests... This is a very rough schedule as I have been told to be FLEXIBLE!  Activities change, times change... all of it... but this will give you an idea of how to pray...

January 16th... travel day from the states to London to Uganda... It will be roughly 24 hours of travel time...
January 17th... we arrive in Uganda in the evening just before bed...
January 18th.... Sanyu babies home and a project at Praise's house... I believe we are workingn on building her a dorm for the girls... she takes care of at least 25 orphaned children in her village.
January 19th... Sanyu and a Project at Praises... (as a side note our church raised $3100 on our bread for life table on orphan Sunday... a good chunk of that money will be used for this project  yay Immanuel!!)
January 20th... church...  Sanyu babies home and a Project at Praises
January 21...Sanyu babies home and working in the Slums with the feeding project
January 22... Sanyu  and a project at A Perfect Injustice... (the ministry where the move the street kids to... when they get them off the streets)
January 23... Sanyu and a Project at A Perfect Injustice...
January 24... Sanyu and a Project at A Perfect Injustice...
January 25-28... Head to another town to work at an orphanage called Redeemer house and a different special needs orphanage...
January 29... leave early in the morning... around 12:30am to start the 24 hour trek home...

I believe that every morning except for when we are out of the main town we will be working at Sanyu babies home in the morning and evening... I also believe we will spend at least 2 or 3 days doing the feeding program in the slums...

Specific prayer requests since you asked:):) 
First off prayers for my family here at home...
1.  Good health and protection for all left here at home... (there is sooooo much nasty flu going around... I know I will have a hard time leaving if the kids are sick... right now Levi needs healing... just a cold that has hung for over a week.... but prayers for everyone to stay healthy, as well as my sister and her kids and Greg's parents who are all coming to help Greg take care of the family... selfishly I am also praying that Isaiah doesn't grow too much while I am gone:)

2.  Safe travel as there will be MANY MANY miles covered in the next 2 weeks...

3.  Peace while we fly... for me (I know... may sound selfish, but I am a bit of a nervous flyer)

4.  That our hearts will be broken for the things that break God's heart...

5.  That our team would work cohesively together...

6.  That we are adequately able to minister to and share the Lord's love with the people we meet there...

7.  For us to make great progress in the projects we will be taking on there... the dorm for Praise (she needs a place that does not leak on the kids when it rains!) as well as the API (A Perfect Injustice) project...

8.  For the Lord to open any doors that need opening and any hearts that need opening to see the special little things or big things He may have in store for us there...

9.  For all of the precious orphans we will be loving on ... that they clearly see, feel and hear of the Lord's great love for them...

10.  For baby Rebecca that we will be meeting that the Lord will sustain her and heal her heart!

11.  Peace for the kids and Greg here at home... ( I keep just telling them all.. mommy loves you!)

THANK YOU!  THANK YOU! FOR PRAYING FOR US!  I am so grateful for the needed prayers!

I am sure there will be more... I can add them as we go along when we have Internet and electricity!:)  I will try to update one last time stateside tomorrow and then all updates will most likely be from and in UGANDAN TIME!!!  (I can hardly believe I am saying that:):)

We know we are going with GOD and can not wait to be His hands and feet on the ground in Uganda!


  1. Praying for you and for the mighty work that God is going to do. Love you -- chris and mary

  2. I told my parents about our trip to Haiti in three weeks, God is already there. He is already working to do all of the things you mentioned. His will, will be done. Blessings on your trip!

  3. Wow! That sounds SO exciting!
    Do you know the hymn 'my Guardian'?
    Praying that God acts as your Guardian for the next few weeks.
    Will be praying for your list of prayers. And praying on the 16th as you touch down here in the UK. I hope the airport is a positive experience of London(Sorry in advance if it's not!). I'm not far from the airport so the prayers wont have far to travel!
    Can't wait to hear of the coming adventures.
    Have a wonderful time :o)
