
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Who will love the least of these???

Louis, Caleb and I were running to Walmart tonight for some errands... and this song came on the radio... We sat in the parking lot listening in detail to the words... EXTREMELY appropriate to our life right now with our Uganda trip RIGHT around the corner...

Please take a listen to it and let it challenge your heart to take notice of  " the least of these" that the Lord has maybe put into the path of your life...

My heart feels so broken wide open to what the Lord will teach and show me in Uganda... I CAN NOT WAIT to love on those children... I really have felt too that the Lord may have plans to use the loss of Samuel in my life as well when I am there... I know that there are probably loads of women there that have lost babies or children and I feel like God may be preparing me for the fact that He may open up doors in that part of my life as well over there... I can't wait to see it all unfold...

A few things for you to pray for...
The leader of our trip had some health scares that landed him in the ER this week... Praise God for a miraculous healing and a Dr. clearance to GO... Continued prayers for good health for him as he leads our group...

There is TONS AND TONS of illness going around here... loads of the flu, RSV, and just nasty stomach bugs and colds... Please pray for the Lord's protection of my family before and while we are gone regarding all of this illness... Praise God we are a VERY healthy family for the most part... It would give my heart great peace to know that the 5 little ones are still healthy when I leave...

That I would have clear wisdom from the Lord regarding if there are activities and such I shouldn't take the kids out to in the next couple of weeks before we leave... (I know I can't live in a bubble... but I would so appreciate the Lord knocking me over the head if I am walking right into a flu zone:)

I am planning a women's retreat that is taking place the weekend before we leave... needless to say... I feel a bit overwhelmed on that one right now... Please pray that all the details that need to come together do for that weekend for the ladies of our church!

And obviously most of all that the Lord would continue to prepare our hearts to serve Him best and the people best while we are there! 

Thanks friends!  Enjoy the song!:)

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your health and for everything to come together! Love the song. And love your heart for Gods children. Happy New Year to you all x
