
Saturday, December 29, 2012


Our first born son... handsome, loving kind... and even a little quirky at times... but that is why we love him!  He was all set for Christmas Eve service... There are many times he is called to be the man of the house for his mama when Greg can be so busy at work or even on holidays when church work demands G to be gone a lot... I rely on Louis and Caleb for so much and they rise to the occasion for the most part with joy!  I am so thankful for them!
This is so Jojo... Here he is trying out one of his Christmas gifts... Love this little turkey so much! 
Caleb and Levi trying out their new Christmas Jammies...
I love the traditions that the kids and I have started these past few years on Christmas Eve... Greg was able to join us again this year for IHOP after first service... Then he went back for late service and the kids and I came home for fondue, opening up their jammies and a movie... Daddy was pulling in just before the movie ended:)
We were expecting snow Christmas Day... possibly up to 8 inches (that never happened)  Our big van is AWFUL in snow and I just couldn't stand the thought of slipping off the road with a newborn, and 2 other little ones... So I stayed home with most of the kids and Greg went with Anna and Louis who sang "The First Noel" together in church that morning... I hated missing that... but felt it best not to try and brave the bad weather... (that never developed into anything:(... no white Christmas for us)
We had a beautiful laid back afternoon with waffles for brunch and opening presents afterwards... This year the big boys opted for money towards Africa... so they didn't have much to open... But with the 5 little kids stuff, also from both grandparents, the house was a disaster.  I think this was the first year that the mess didn't bother me one bit and that felt good... We had such a nice afternoon enjoying each other...  
Louis was fooling around with the Bokeh (I think that is how you spell it) on his camera... I love this picture from Christmas eve because he caught the baptismal font that was given in memory of Samuel... It is a very simple design with a really cool carved out rock on top.... Our holiday was so special and full great memories and special moments... but I can't help but wonder what kind of mess a four year old Samuel might be getting into and the laughs he would bring to the group... I also woke up Christmas morning, thinking about what Christmas must be like in Heaven... celebrating the birthday of Jesus... right there with Jesus himself...
I miss that sweet little boy:)
Praying you all had beautiful celebrations in your home:)

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