
Friday, November 16, 2012


A 15 year old son who isn't afraid to ask for forgiveness and still says daily, "I love you MOM!"...

A Savior who doesn't deal with me like I deserve... But loves me with a fierce forgiving love...

Safe travel through the night...

Being able to laugh at myself... and not mind when others laugh with me...:)

The opportunity to get to know such precious women during our Sunday morning and Wednesday night Bible Studies...  What a gift that has been to me...

A friend who ALWAYS  has an encouraging word when I need it...

Friends who are NEVER afraid to mention Samuel...

Another crazy busy successful  Dinner Divas day...

For the opportunity to help with the family budget, but be able to do it almost all from home late at night when the kids are in bed...

God's protection of a certain 3 year old even though she ate the gum from underneath the table at a local restaurant... (insert vomit noises!!!!)

Enough vacation days left to actually ALL  get to go on a vacation together (seeing as how a bunch of vacation time was used for last years Uganda mission trip)

Mirrors in the front seat of the van where I can sneakily watch sweet blond 7 year old jamming out to Michael Jackson:)  PURE JOY!!!

My husbands job and the Lord's miraculous work to provide for our ever growing family's needs, previous adoption costs and the day to day things that come up... We never have a want for anything... I seriously think God just multiplies the dollars that are in our bank account... He is so faithful!

The sweetness of coming home...

A friend who just yesterday was sharing of a sweet memory she had of me when I was pregnant with Samuel... Love!!! Love!!! Love... that she could see how much I loved being pregnant with him and living a part of that miracle of growing new life...

A husband who shares so many of my loves... outdoors, children, missions, Wisconsin landscape:), family, ministry, orphans, (I could go on and on, but it is funny how God grows us to be more and more like minded with time...  I love it!  What a sweet bonus God gives the longer you are married:)

A husband who literally works like a dog and is so so so willing to pick up the slack at home when needed.

A sweet newly 10 year old mini me, who always wants to cuddle and share hot cocoa:)

A small group of friends to do life with... (God knew who and what I needed)

The laughter of cousins and sister-in-loves...

The constant reminder that God still performs miracles when I look in Levi's eyes...

The health and natural athletic ability of a certain 13 year old boy that just makes it downright fun to watch him play.

The Graciousness of our Loving God who has carried us through another year... I am so thankful to feel more and more alive as time passes...

So thankful to know in my heart that the Lord is close to the broken hearted... He does save those who are crushed in spirit... I know His word says it ... But I know it is true from first hand experience...

The fact that I can now see beauty from the ashes...


He knew that our hearts were made for community... I am so thankful that God knows how to fill that void when we are alone, away from home or family... Or that He blesses us with the beautiful precious times with those we hold so dear...  He is so good!


  1. Love you lots! Love this blog entry...thanks for blessing me....(and thank you Hope for maing me LAUGH OUT LOUD this morning! Hahahahaha!) Xoxo

  2. Beautifully said, thankfulness changes everything!
