
Friday, November 16, 2012

Current journey to our next child...

Hmmmm, I know I said months ago that I would share more about this current adoption process...
Well here we sit 5 months later waiting... and I am finally sharing more...

Last time we adopted we only had to wait 3 1/2 months with this agency before we got the call to come get out Hopie girl later that same day...

Waiting is hard...

Adoption is such a funny thing... Not at all for the faint of heart...
But the wild thing is, that although the agency may be showing your book to a birth mother along with a few others... It is never really a competition at all...

I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW... the Lord knows the exact perfect little person He is creating right now in some birth momma's womb, has already created or will be creating (hopefully sooner rather than later:) that is meant to be a Hintz.  He is forming or has already formed that child knowing full well it will need us to be his/her forever family. 

I always tell people that the waiting is HARD!!  It really is!   When you are expecting yourself, there is that sweet due date at the end of the tunnel to look towards with anticipation... You know when it will all come to fruition, but with adopting, waiting is the name of the game... And quite honestly, I don't remember a time when waiting is  really easy...  You wait with an unknown time frame in mind... It may take only weeks or it may take years... HARD! 

It takes patience!  I know that we want the exact baby/child that the Lord has planned for us and that makes the waiting easier... We don't want to manipulate anything ever... We want to wait until the right baby/child for us has arrived...

To be perfectly honest, last year when Greg arrived home from Uganda there were 2 little boys there that just stole his and Louis' hearts... We inquired about them, but the door seemed pretty closed...  I have thought about them sooooooo much these last 9 months... Are those 2 supposed to be ours?  Greg and I just discussed these 2 again just a couple of weeks ago... This is how the conversation went...

I asked, "G, what if I get to Praise's house and ______ and ______ are still there???"
I think in that moment we both realized... Oh my goodness that means those kids have sat there for a whole year still not in their forever family, where ever that family is, ours or another...  Of course, G's response was... "Inquire again!"

That breaks my heart!!  So while that door seems to not really even be available to be cracked open at this point... We leave that in God's hands... He certainly is capable of opening any door or moving any mountains He wants moved...

So for now... we just keep leaving the doors open and waiting on the Lord's perfect timing...

But in all honesty, I.CAN.NOT.WAIT... for the waiting till my next child is over... I can't wait to scoop them up into my arms and say Welcome home my precious child... You belong here! 

I am just dying to meet them... Dying for them to know the love of a family, the love of a mom and dad and lots of brothers and sisters! 

HE SETS THE LONELY IN FAMILIES!!  I am so grateful for that!


  1. Been reading for a LONG time--not sure I have commented before or if I have it has been a long time. We too are on the adoption journey--our little girl waits in China for papers to be filed etc. There is another little girl that I would love to find a home for--I only suggest it here because I would love for her to be placed with a family like yours :) and then I could watch her grow up!
    We have looked into adopting her along with our daughter but agency bureaucracy is preventing that.
    Anyway, just thought I would give you a look at her. hope you don't think I am crazy....
    Blessings on your journey,

  2. Hi Sara! We will be coming in on Friday night and heading out around lunchtime on Sat --- not much time but long enough to catch up and hug! I will call you Friday during the day! mary

  3. So cool to read this after your post today!
