Especially when maybe you aren't following the typical path for a person your age...
(Let me tell you as a home school mom... I feel the pressure....and I am sure Louis has as well...)
But God is mapping out a wonderful path for our son Louis... at this point it isn't exactly typical...
But beautiful and inspiring none the less...
Louis began his job with Feed My Starving Children (AMAZING ORGANIZATION!!!) in their mobile pack division just a couple of weeks ago...
He is no longer just working at the Feed My Starving Children site, he is taking a gap year and working with their mobile pack division as a Team Leader traveling around the US helping at different mobile pack events.
Depending on the event, they may be packing anywhere from 100,000 meals to a 5.5 million meal packing event in May that will be in Virginia...
Talk about amazing! Can you imagine helping thousands of Volunteers pack over 5.5 million meals for starving children around the world?
He works really hard when he is out of town and comes home exhausted... He comes home having made a difference in the lives of 1,000s of volunteers and 1,000's of kids around the world.
We are so thankful that the Lord brought Louis to Feed My Starving Children...
It is a perfect fit for him...
He is able to use the gifts God has given him to serve, love, help kids in needs, share the love of Jesus with volunteers, and in turn to help heal kids all around the world who are struggling with malnutrition and starvation... All in the name of Jesus...
Above is Louis leading an orientation for volunteers at a FEED the NEED event in Indiana just last weekend...
And below... the team and volunteers are praying over the boxes that have been packed... Food packed with a lot of Love and Jesus...
Nothing better to heal God's precious kids in need...
Oh the journey of parenting the kids God gives you.... For me there are many moments I wonder, I worry, and I maybe even doubt that we have given them everything they will need for the journey God has ahead of them... There are so many different places, ideas, and people clamoring for the attention and devotion of our kids...
While myself and every single one of my kids is so flawed... It has been so special to watch Louis find this niche... Never in a million years at his age would I have been comfortable getting up in front of hundreds of people to speak and share Feed My Starving Children's mission. He does it boldly and does a GREAT JOB! You can tell he is passionate about it and loves it! So often people are shocked that he is only 18... Put him in certain situations like wrestling with his brothers and he is like any other 18 year old... (or 10 year old LOL!! )
But put him in at FMSC and leading and he shines. I am really proud of him.
It is a gift to watch the Lord open doors (maybe not even the ones you were expecting HIM to open) for your children...
And it is even more of a gift to watch your kids kick those doors open and walk right through with excitement in their heart... Right into the spot the Lord can use them with the gifts He has already equipped them with...
We are thrilled for Louis and the exciting things that God will show him, teach him, and use him for in the coming year...
We would love you to pray for him and all the other Mobile pack workers... There is much travel and many long days... Pray they will serve and lead with Joy and the light and love of Jesus shining through them each step of the way...
Good job, parents. Your enthusiasm for service and living out your love for Christ is inspiring your children. I'm so glad there are families like yours in the world. Esp. when I feel like I'm failing terribly in this whole thing--you are an inspiration to me, and also a reassurance that it's not up to me to save the world through the next generation. ; )