Company is like a bright light in the busyness of our days. We are so thankful when someone comes to visit!
We were so blessed these last couple of weeks with sweet friends from Oklahoma gracing our home.
First Miss Shiela, Pseudo grandma, came for a visit. Oh my goodness... she was over the top fun for the kids. Even though the littler guys didn't remember her, it didn't take long and she had won them over.
Jojo words the first night after she left, " I miss Miss Shiela! I think she is the best encourager I have ever met!" And it is true... she was like a cheerleader, pointing out the good in everyone. What an example and gift to me to have her here. She was a huge help with the kids and the kids loved playing with her! She has Levi totally hooked on looking at the license plates on all of the cars we pass every time we are out! They had so much fun checking them out in the IKEA parking lot... then he was hooked!
Volunteering at FMSC (Feed My Starving Children) with Miss Shiela!
And last night we had a reunion of sorts with our Oklahoma small group friends. Oh the fun and laughs! It was great and did my soul good! Old friends, that you can pick right back up with are a gift to my heart for sure!
My sweet friend Shelley... aka Shell-dog as we call her, came with her two older kids earlier in the week. Again we went to FMSC:) But mostly we held babies, cleaned, cooked, and talked and talked. It was such a treat! Seriously, I miss her so much! I am sure our crazy house and lack of order may have driven my amazingly organized friend crazy, but she never let it show:):)
I have always called her my cheerleader... She encourages me so often in all I do as a homeschooling mom, pastor's wife, and friend! I am so thankful for the time we had together! Come back soon friend!
Oh so sweet, and how fun to have company! I loved the baptism pictures, especially her oh-so-kissable face with your nieces, OH MY SOOO PRECIOUS! Cute and smart Levi, your little miracle and adorable and sweet Hopie girl getting SO SO big. I remember the call you received asking if you could come and get her, wow! Love it all, love remembering the God laced details!!! Can't wait to catch up with you soon! Love you guys!