Hello windy city... and that is what it was... WINDY, RAINY, AND COLD on the day we headed downtown to have our petition to adopt Kaliyah heard in court...
When I finally put two and two together that our court date downtown would fall on the Thursday before Easter, I was so excited. Back in Tulsa, we had made snack bags, written up Easter notes and taken them to some of the homeless in the city...
On the few occasions that we have made it downtown here, there are always many needy people on the main streets. So the kids and I got to working on Easter bags, getting the snacks together, and making a list of downtown churches that folks might be able to walk to on Easter.
My heart got to praying for those we might meet out on the streets of downtown...
We packed up the crew, plus a couple of friends and headed for down town... in the POURING RAIN!
The whole way downtown, I was praying that the storm would lift... We obviously had Kaliyah, since it was her special day... and the others little ones, Hope, Levi, and Isaiah... It wasn't going to be easy hustling through the city on a day like that with the little guys...
We drove down Michigan Ave wondering if we would even see any new friends... But there they were in the pouring rain sitting outside. We decided it was best to leave the little ones in the car with Greg while these 4 kids below ran down Michigan Ave with me.
This picture above was right before a HUGE gust of wind and rain literally almost knocked us over and did bend up 2 of our "cheap, garage sale" umbrellas!
These 4 were TROOPERS! Not a one batted an eye to walk right up to our new homeless friends and talk with them... Not to mention in the freezing rain...
Since working in Uganda with usually kids in the slums, my heart has been burdened for the people right in our own back yard who are hurting and in need... If I can fly across the ocean to help... I really need to be willing to do it right here as well.
One of my main reasons for blogging is to document our regular life for our kids and myself... If you ask the kids, I can't remember what we did yesterday let alone a year ago... And I can tell you that my hearts desire isn't at all to get a pat on the back.
Mainly, I want these sweet people to honestly know deep down inside that despite the tough circumstances they might be in, that God truly does love them.... deeply... with an everlasting love... That no matter what they have done, or I have done... that Jesus forgives it all!
And as usual, God shows up and does so much more than what we were thinking might happen. I am always amazed by the people we meet and what they share and teach me... It was beautiful...
We met Doris, Palmer and her husband of 32 years, Jeff, Roosevelt, John, and many more...
In our bags we also put a note from me explaining about how in our time of deepest sorrow and need the Lord reached out to be with us, comfort us, and to heal our hearts.
After hearing some of their stories, I know many of them could relate to loss for sure...
Oh the sweet conversations we had... Honestly my heart was torn in two and so touched that they would share their stories with us... What an eye opener for the kids, and me, to see the trouble and trial that these sweet friends go through daily... And yet so many of them had great attitudes despite all that they are going through.
Our sweet new friend and sister in Christ, Palmer, has diabetes, is in a wheelchair, just lost her mother... and has an unstoppable faith that she said she will NEVER let go! Talk about inspiring...
We met Jeff who had lost both his wife and son about 10 years ago...
We met a gentleman who is still 70 miles from home, but had a made it all the way here from Austin, Texas. The kids noticed the bible sitting next to him.
We met an Iraqi war Veteran who is suffering from PTSD... He has served on 3 tours of duty... He Fought for our freedom and there he sits homeless, freezing, unappreciated, and totally humiliated... I am so glad we were able to thank him for his service...
(Even Isaiah got in on drawing pictures for our cards)
We met new friends whom I already know we will see again in Heaven...
And new friends that I could tell didn't share our same faith as us...
How very sad that makes me...
But let me tell you this...
Not a single person turned us down when we asked if we could pray for them...
And it didn't matter if we have a home and they don't... Or if we know where our next meal is coming from and they don't... we prayed together on that freezing cold day...
And honestly, if any of them were being dishonest about their circumstances... that is between them and the Lord... It is not my place to stand in judgment... If our Savior would have died for just Roosevelt, Doris, Palmer, or me... It is His job to do the work in their hearts and lives... And I am praying He will do just that... I know He did mine on that chilly day...
After walking to pass out our bags, we hit family court on the 17th floor of the courthouse to officially petition the court for custody of Kaliyah... FOREVER!!!
Craziest thing ever... The judge that presided over our case that day, who wasn't the normal Thursday judge, actually has children that live in our same city...
She has a grandson who did his eagle scout project here in the picnic area on campus where we live...
Her kids are members of our church... Out of all the people in this HUGE city, we get a judge who practically knows us already... wild!
They were so sweet, after the court discussion she allowed all of the kids to pick out their own stufffed animal. Illinois is different in how the court proceedings go... Here, this is the only court date we will go to with Kaliyah... We won't even go for the finalization of her adoption... Because this was it, we knew we wanted all the kids to be a part of it... (Louis was the only one who wasn't able to make it:(
And this judge did not disappoint...
She asked us all questions (even the kids and our company),
And she let each child pick out a beanie baby and sucker....
She was very kind...
She made it memorable... and I love that...
As we left the court house... The sun was actually shining for the first time all day! We are praising God that everything is in place to make Kaliyah a Hintz forever.