
Tuesday, October 6, 2015


My crazy son and I... model pose day after surgery... Yeah right... So bad!

 Sometimes you have to laugh and keep your sense of humor...

Oh to catch up on sleep and have your mama care for you!  It has felt so good... (I know, funny right?  It felt good to recover from surgery???)  It is true though... 

My family has been so amazing over the last 5 days.  They have stepped up and really taken care of me!  

My mom came into town and literally worked from sun up to sun down... cooking, cleaning, deep cleaning closets and clutter, doing laundry, motivating big kids to help... all on top of taking care of the littlest and ME!  She was amazing!  What a huge blessing, and one I do not take for granted for a second!  She is such a gift to me!  

So I went back to work today... part time preschool teacher, back in business!  

I actually feel great!   My neck is a little stiff, but besides that I feel REALLY good!  I KNOW that I have caught up on sleep (which hasn't happened in FOREVER!) and I have really taken it easy and it feels really good.  

My parathyroid gland was down into my chest, not in my neck like it was supposed to be... so that complicated things a bit and made the surgery last longer.  I was so thankful to be downtown at a hospital with doctors that had more experience with surgeries like this... I am not sure they could have gotten to it at the local hospital.  God was good to go ahead of me and prepare for me to be exactly where I needed to be:)  

Hopefully, that will be the end of my kidney stones (well as least for new ones:)  I will still need to get the ones I already have blasted but this should solve the problem of forming them in the future!  I am thankful for that!

Thankful for good doctors!
Thankful for caring family!
Thankful for a loving mama! 
Thankful for the Great Physician that heals!


  1. Great news! Hope you have a great week back at work with the little ones :)

  2. Praising God with you, so happy to hear that you're healing, getting cared for, and already getting more rest! Yay! All important things for a busy mama! It was great catching up with you the other day, much love from Nebraska :)
