I've had a lot of time to think this summer...
In MANY ways my life (as well as some of yours) may not be what you would have anticipated it being... and then again there are many ways it is more than I dreamed it could possibly be...
I never would have dreamed my life would include...
Losing a child...
Moving so many times...
Moving my children so many times...
Being married to a pastor...
Spending so much time away from my husband or my husband away from me...
Running an infant loss support group...
It can be easy to become discontent... or disappointed at times...
In our crazy social media driven society today, especially with facebook, instagram, and twitter blasting every one's "perfect and happy life" right in your face, it is easy to compare your life to others and become disappointed... discontent... and even disconnected...
Did you know that there have actually been studies that have confirmed that there is an association between Facebook use and depressive symptoms. (Not depression in the debilitating clinical sense, but a milder manifestation) An article reported in TIME magazine showed the results of a scientific study where scientists studied 600 people who logged time on the social network and discovered that one felt worse after visiting the site- especially if they viewed vacation photos.
On those days where you are still in your Jammie's at noon, when the kids are arguing, where there have been tubs of juice spilled, multiple pairs of underwear to clean up (yay for potty training), you feel like you haven't had a shower or adult conversation in days... it can be easy to feel that maybe the grass could possibly be greener...
Or maybe it is one of those days where you missed a deadline at work, you had to waste hours of time in city traffic, you possibly lost a job, or you realized that friend you thought was a true friend, really maybe isn't...
It is easy to long for something more... something better... maybe what some one else has or has done... dreaming for that to become your reality too...
(In all honesty,What they portray probably isn't completely their reality anyways... )
Whenever I feel that bitter little bugger of discontentment, rearing it's ugly head...
I think of Heaven...
(That is one thing that Samuel's life has given me... an eternal perspective... I am so so very grateful for that beautiful blessing amidst the pain of losing him... He has me longing for Heaven in a way that I had never experienced before)
Truly, I do... I think of Heaven... and no matter what it is that maybe I feel I am missing out on... I focus on Heaven...
This world is like the tiniest of beginnings... while it feels like life might move slowly some days... This life is just the tiniest of dots, the start of the entire line of eternity... going on and on... FOREVER...
That beautiful trip to Tahiti...
Really I will have eternity in somewhere FAR MORE beautiful than Tahiti... Forever there... It will be like waking up every single day in a place that is so much more beautiful and perfect than the best tropical paradise vacation I can even imagine:)
That perfect body... Thank you Jesus, that we will be given new bodies in Heaven... perfect bodies... FOREVER... (on a personal note...for me, there will be... no more kidney stones, pink eye, etc....:) Yay!!!
That perfect marriage... (Who really has that anyways... two sinners married to one another... Ha!)
We will have that perfect Heavenly marriage... Christ married to the church... His followers... FOREVER... for all eternity...
The perfect chore helpers...(While I am sooooooo very thankful for all 7 of my kids, and so thankful for all of our possessions... With 9 of us... no matter what... we create a decent sized mess.) And sometimes the exhaustion sets in... But in Heaven, I hardly think the tedious job of changing out seasonal clothing for the kids will be happening... nor the loads and loads of laundry... It will be a permanent vacation from the jobs that sadly take me away from my kids at times. Can you imagine just worshipping Jesus and sitting at His feet... that being your only real job:):)
That perfect family relationship... Heaven... worshiping our Savior for all eternity... I have a feeling relationships in the sense that we have them now, will be a thing of the past...
That perfect HOME and manicured yard... I can not wait to see the mansion the Lord is preparing for me... Maybe Samuel will be the first one to show me around... CAN NOT WAIT! That mansion is going to blow doors on any wonderful home or kitchen I could ever dream up here on earth!
That heart that is no longer hurting... He says in His word that He will wipe every tear from our eyes... Tears... no longer a thing to even worry about in Heaven... Can you imagine all the physical, emotional pain, and turmoil we feel in this life... NEVER AGAIN... Wow... just WOW!
Please hear me loud and clear... If your life contains great trips to Bora Bora every year... a beautiful 10,000 sq. ft. home... A near perfect marriage... I am not saying that is a bad thing... I am not saying anyone should not experience such wonderful things here on earth... Truly I am happy for you...
What a special gift and blessing God has blessed with you with in this life.
I am only saying for me... in this life...
There are many days that focusing on Heaven gives me just the perspective I need to put my heart back where it NEEDS to be...
I am only speaking from my heart...
I know that anything my heart may potentially be longing for here on earth... That Heaven is going to just blow it all out of the water... times 100! Have a blessed day friends!
Great perspective. Oh the comparison on FB... Never ends, right? I'm weaning myself off of my newsfeed ... Turns out I rarely feel better after reading everyone else's posts. (For the record, if you see a photo in my home where everything looks clean ... Chances are there's a big mess lurking somewhere out of camera range. We might be half your family's size, but we sure make quite the mess!)