
Thursday, June 25, 2015

A great summer read... You wont' be disappointed...

Hello friends from rainy Chicago...

When I think of the nature of our family and all that make up who we are and what we are passionate about... I think of all of the people and things that have contributed to and all that God has used to mold us in to who we are... and who we will continue to grow into in the future...

 I think of....

So many different members of our dear family...
So many different precious friends...
So many different difficult moves...
So many different crazy life experiences...
And so many tough times thrown in among the beautiful times... 

When I think of our passion for missions and caring for the orphans... I think of our sweet and amazing friends, Dwight and Linny,  the Saunders!  They are the founders of IVO (International Voice of the Orphan)  It is the group we have traveled with to Uganda over the past 4 years... dear friends and brothers and sisters in Christ.  

They break the mold when it comes to laying it down to care for the orphans in our world... 

Whether it means adding those kids to their own family, feeding them in the streets of Uganda, or watching their daughter give up her American life to start a special needs orphanage... it is all an integral part of who they are!

  I admire and look up to them... still opening up their home to another treasure from China while most their age are nearing an empty nest and retirement... 

Are they perfect?  No... but they are the real deal... sold out to walk their faith in action... And it is beautiful to watch... 

I am super excited for the release of my friend Linny's book Rescuing Ruby.  I believe it will be available from  Amazon in a week or so... It tells the story of their precious daughter Ruby and the amazing journey they have been on since she was basically left for dead in a field in Uganda... The transformation in this precious girl's life is REMARKABLE... 

My heart can not be shaken and amazed at the work of our gracious God... This photo taken of Emma the day they found Ruby at the orphanage and a year later after she had come home to their family... It doesn't even resemble in the slightest bit the same child... What a healing work God has done and continues to do daily in Ruby's life... 

Check out her book, Rescuing Ruby... you won't be disappointed... It will be perfect summer reading and I know will challenge you, stretch you, and renew your faith in our miracle working God!  

Here is Linny's blogpost announcing that the book is finally finished... 

In just a few weeks their  family will be touring the US and we will be blessed to spend a couple of days with them here... We are thrilled... They were so gracious to house us 2 years ago when we RV'd to California... And now it is our turn... YAY!!! :)

We will be hosting a dessert night while they present their story of Ruby, IVO, and the Gem Foundation (the orphanage their daughter Emma started in Uganda... 

Look for more information, but put the 9th of July on your calendar if you are in our area...

We would LOVE to have you join us!

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