
Monday, January 5, 2015

Baby home... How it feels to revisit...

Emma and Lou loving on some babies...

Potty room...

So many PRECIOUS little ones to love on and care for...

My boys with the twins... Hello??? I would take all four of them home in a second!!!

This little guy had the funniest expressions... Heart melter!!

How does it feel to see some of the same kids here year after year?

Confusing, overwhelming, heartbreaking, and I even feel angry at times...

Surviving in an orphanage where there are far too many kids to really care for well (like in a family kind of care for well) is hard... Thriving in that situation is next to impossible...

Little A who stole my heart last year is still here... A totally different kid than a year ago... This year when I saw him he was hitting, being defiant, and then laying on the ground with a blank stare... 

Was he just having a bad day or is this who he is now? 

Really, the mamas who care for them, God willing, they try their best to care for them but there are just too many kids... 

What  if he could have come home to the loving arms of a forever family with love, hugs, and laughter surrounding him?  
How different would his life look?

It is sad and really discouraging... 
When children/ babies are found abandoned anywhere here.. Be it in a pit latreen, an open field, near a shop or hospital... The social workers find an orphanage for them and then they have the difficult task of trying to find family...

Can you imagine?  Where do you even begin?

Adopting as a foreigner here is not easy...
We generally aren't the first choice of placement...

1st they would resettle the child with family (which is the best if they can be educated in how to care and provide for them)

2nd , they would place the child with a Ugandan family for adoption.

3rd, they would place the child in foster care here in Uganda with a Ugandan family or foreign family.

And then...
4th, they would place them with a foreign or American family...

My heart is saddened to see the same kids year after year... My heart screams...
Just get them into families... They NEED families...

It is a constant reaccessing of what we can do to help and then again and again placing it in Gods hands and control... 

Gods word says in James 1:27 that true religion is to care for orphans and widows in their distress... We ARE CALLED to do it!!  

What does that look like for you and me... It may look different for each of us... Some may be called to adopt... Some called to support those who adopt... Some called to come and serve the orphans... Some by prayer...

God made them... Each and every one!   He has a future and purpose planned for them...  He is truly the father to the fatherless... He loved them so much more than I ever could...

As I sit sometimes confused with how to help best... I just keep praying that God shows us how we can help and then that He provides His very best for them... That they feel his love and presence in their loneliness... That he transforms and heals when needed...

He is able... And I keep praying!

1 comment:

  1. What a heartbreaking post! I love that you're there loving on those babies, little and bringing awareness of what life is like for the orphans. We're loving all the posts, thanks for keeping us updated. Praying for you friend, praying for it all!! Love you!
