
Tuesday, December 16, 2014


One of my favorite parts to the day...
The family prayer board...

On it we place anyone or anything that we want to remember to pray for... I was tired of telling people I would pray for them, and if I didn't do it right then and there, there was a chance I would even forget to pray for them... ugh... 

The family prayer board has solved that problem for us...

Somethings stay on for weeks... some months... some even years... 
Usually when we know someone has lost a loved one, those ones are up for the long haul...
We know how long that journey is, and how needed those prayers are even a year or more later...

We usually put a big for Praise by the answered prayers... 
and even then we want to praise God for that answered prayer for quite some time...
I always feel like if I can ask God for something, even comfort, provision, whatever it maybe... I want to praise him for just as long as I asked... that doesn't always happen but you get the picture!:)

He is so faithful... 

As of late we have had personal family prayers on the board for a GOOD eight months or so... 
Faithfully we have been asking the Lord for direction and guidance...

We have been unsure of His plans for us and how to proceed in certain areas of family life... we waited... We waited some more... We prayed... we kept praying... We are STILL PRAYING:) 
We continued to pray... "Lord show us your will, your desires for our family!"   

(I can't wait to share with you some of how he has answered certain prayers... but do want to let you know that it has NOTHING to do with moving!!!:)  We are thrilled to be here where God has called us... really dislike moving... and plan to stay put till HE moves us... Praying that isn't for a LONG time:)

As I stare into these precious faces of our kids, and dear friends... what resonates most profoundly is God's faithfulness to us... 
Again and again... 
Year after year... 
He is so faithful to abundantly provide... 

He provides friends, both near and far...

He provides more than we could ever need materially...

He provides the perfect shelter for our family right here on a church campus in the middle of a super busy city...(Honestly, he has blown me away on this one... I feel like we have the best lot in the whole city... feels like country living at the back of the church property... SO MUCH MORE than I could ever have asked for)

He provides for our spiritual needs through great spiritual leadership at church for us and all our kids...

He provides for the need of family close by... (It is precious to be able to have family more of a part of our kids lives)
He provides opportunities for us to grow and be stretched in our faith and put feet to our faith and serve... 

I could go on and on...

I pride myself in taking care of my family...
My mom was frugal... and did a great job taking great care of a larger family...
Funny thing is my dad has always said, " Your mom can stretch a buck to two... you can stretch it to ten!"
That makes me laugh...
I am sort of sick that way in wanting to get a good deal... provide frugal healthy meals for the crew... I actually think it is sort of fun... 

But I will be the first to admit, that there are moments, I sort of wonder,  HOW IS THIS ONE GONNA SHAKE OUT??? 
It might be while facing a certain bill, putting braces on the kids, adopting etc...

It might be when I know it shouldn't really work on paper for our large family... I don't really doubt... but it is a mix of some concern and some anticipation of watching how God is going to pull it off again:)

But that is when God starts to show off again... Who am I kidding?
He is always in the business of moving mountains to provide and care for us...

And just as this sweet photo of Jojo and his sweet friend Lilly puts a HUGE smile on my face... ( Man we miss you Tiews family!)

God knocked our socks off again... Telling us loud and clear...

"Do not ever doubt for a single second what I can do for you!"
"Step out, trust me fully and watch as I make all things possible...  Don't ever forget, I am in the business of moving mountains, making miracles happen even now...!"

So tonight I am overjoyed by the miracles He performed in our lives today and every single day.. It is so fun to see that faithfulness he has blessed us with as we look back upon the past few years... 

Sweet precious children literally joining our family within hours of knowing they existed... 
Babies beating the odds...

Life being restored after being frozen for five years... 
Joy filling our broken hearts once again... 

And amidst the difficult times... laughs upon laughs...
As these rascals fill our home with a whole lot of noise... love... joy... contentment...


Thank you sweet Jesus for the big reminder today... 

And please let us know sweet friends if we can add any specific prayer requests for you onto our family prayer board... 

We would be so honored to pray for you...


  1. Beautiful. Wishing you all a peaceful and joyfilled Christmas as you prepare for the adventures of 2015. I do love reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your walk online. How is preparation for travelling going? With love from England X

  2. Oh this is such a sweet post that touched my heart! You are an amazing mommy and example! Your family is blessed and beautiful! Thank you for sharing your life and faith with us
