
Tuesday, September 23, 2014


I know everyone says it,.. but the days are just flying by... 
and I feel like I am at times just along for the ride... 
Trying to get "it" all done and cherish the precious moments along the way... 
Levi just absolutely cracks us up... tonight he stayed up extra late because he napped late and it was one silly thing after another out of his mouth... Greg and I just kept looking at each other and laughing... such a treasure Levi is...

Last week the big boys and I were blessed to get tickets to the Cubs game at Wrigley field... (Greg TOTALLY would have been there, but work had to take priority that night)
Wow, it was such a neat stadium, totally reminded me of the old County Stadium in Milwaukee... '
We had a great time, lots of laughs, and enjoyed the fun opportunity... such a gift to us...
Sometimes I am ABSOLUTELY amazed by the sweet things people do for us at this church... The generousity and kindness abound.  We have been blessed with so many wonderful people in our lives in such a short amount of time...I continually thank God for that:)

Hopie and the Zader Tator... She did a great job with him scooting around tonight...  For the most part she took really good care of him and didn't get too wild:) That girl LOVES to get wild and crazy... But she safely took him around with her and he loved it!  I was really proud of her:)  And he just keeps getting yummier and yummier... he has the best cheeks that giggle when he runs and the most amazing eyes:)

Anna and I have been having so much fun working on different hair styles... has super cute videos that show you exactly how to do a ton of different braids.  It has been so much fun... I love that special time with my girl... 

Anna has been running cross country this year with our church school.  She has been loving it and is really doing great.  I knew she was fast on the soccer field when she pours it on :)...  I really think we have found a niche of hers... She enjoys it and is good at it.  She struggles sometimes with things and this is a great positive fun thing in life for her right now:)

One of these days when Greg passes through... I will catch a picture of him:)  Kidding... he has been super busy though at church... I am so proud of him for how hard he works to provide for us.  I think he has 12 weddings this fall which keep him super busy...

Living on campus has huge benefits for our busy dad... He can pop in and say hi and take lunch back over to work or pop in between meetings for dinner... All things that never would have been possible before and I am SO GRATEFUL for it! 

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