
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Feed my starving children...

Did you know that 6,200 kids die every single day in our world because of hunger?
That would be a horrible number if it was per year.... but it IS per day!
(And to think of the food we waste:(:(  it makes me sick to my stomach...

I know this ministry is old news to many, especially in our area... but tonight was the first time that I had a chance to experience Feed My Starving Children... (Greg and Anna have already volunteered there in the past, in fact Greg went and served there when he came up for an in person interview... cool opportunity for him for sure!)

When we walked in we were sooooo thrilled to see that we would be packing food that would be sent to Uganda... Ahhh... a land we love so dearly and feel so connected to so many Ugandan little ones!  Truth be told... it made me want to jump on an airplane tonight and head back...

I LOVE that they let children serve too!  What a perfect opportunity for kids to actually be the hands and feet and get in there and work, serve, touch lives and learn how good it feels to do something for someone else:)

My kids were raving about how much fun they had and the amazing impact just tonight's work will have for the hungry kids in Uganda...

Everyone does their part in cleaning up... many hands make light work:)

Praying around the boxes of food that were packed!  I love that we covered actually praying for the safety of the food making it there to Uganda, the kids that will receive the food, the parents of these kids who wish they could provide enough on their own... but just can't... 

What a precious picture of the body of Christ truly being the body....

So tonight we packed 64 boxes of food in an hour, that is 13, 824 meals and will feed 38 kids for a WHOLE year... Amazing!  Amazingly awesome!

If you have a Feed My Starving Children check into serving there, I know you find yourself being blessed!

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