
Thursday, July 24, 2014

21 years...

21 years ago we said I DO...

I DO in sickness and in health...

I DO for better and for worse...

And I would say in the past 21 years we have pretty much covered it all... We have said I DO through cancer, the stillbirth of our son, adoption, job loss, many many moves, going back to school full time with 4 kids in tow, miscarriage, adoption, loads of laugh and loads of tears...

Some of those 21 years have looked beautiful... 

And some not so much... Just keeping it real :)

We are two very different people with two very different up bringings, trying to blend that all together to make a marriage, family, and life that resembles what God would desire most for us:)  sometimes we do a decent job of that... And others, not so much...

Here is a confession... There are times I get discontent and jealous of all of the posts about being "best friends" and "soul mates" that I read about on Facebook... (Hear my heart I truly mean NO offense to those of you that really feel that... I am SO happy for you and I praise God for that gift in your lives:)

What I do FULLY know is that I married GOD'S BEST ONE FOR ME:)!

ONE who would tenderly persevere through loving a heartbroken wife...

ONE who would journey with me to welcome 3 beautiful gifts into our home through the miracle of adoption...

ONE who could hang with a more "passionate" (emotions all over the place:):) kind of wife...

ONE who would joyfully love a house full of kids with me...
ONE who "wears the pants" on a daily basis, but who loves us enough to let is go explore when he stays home to provide for us and hold down the fort...

ONE who trusted God and me enough to let me stay home with Louis 17 years ago.. Oh how we have seen The Lord provide abundantly!!!

So while our marriage, like I would guess many of yours, is full of times of struggling to understand each other better...

It is also FULL... 

FULL of a commitment to be in it "FOR THE LONG HAUL!"...

FULL of a house brimming with kids...

FULL OF Faith in Jesus and the plans He has for our family...

FULL of thankfulness that God saw fit to bless us with each other:)...

FULL of a dedication to seek help when and if it is needed...

FULL of forgiveness... (We have lots of opportunities to ask for that:)

FULL of learning to try to believe the best in eachother... (I have been known to have a sensitive side:)

FULL of a lot of love...

So today... Even though we are miles apart... Me and the kids almost to Phoenix, and Greg back at home,  We joyfully and thankfully celebrate 21 years :). We know we aren't promised tomorrow and each day is a gift:)

1 comment:

  1. Sara friend,
    I love your heart, the raw reality of what a Christ-centered marriage TRULY is! GOD has been with you guys through much! GOD has been SOVEREIGN and FAITHFUL through the BETTER and for WORSE, in SICKNESS and in HEALTH! God bless you guys! I LOVE YOU!!!
