
Thursday, January 2, 2014


 Today we went to scout out a new orphanage to work with... it wasn't a new orphanage at all... but new to us... it was the biggest place i have ever seen as far as orphanges go.  They school 1500 kids... crazy amount and house all those kids almost year round. Right now they were on holiday so the school kids have to leave for some time... either to faimily or kin of some kind, according to the government policy... but in february they will all be back.

Can you imagine housing... feeding... caring for 1500 children???  The ministry was started 13 years ago... but 2 years ago the founder was killed and his wife had to take it over... what an overwhelming responsibility, especially for a grieving widow... my heart and prayers go out to evah who runs Destiny Orphange... such an amazing sweet lady!

 The babies were tired and about 8 of them immediately fell asleep... it was like with the tender touch of love they were relaxed and out like a light...  with no diapers on...
it meant for MANY wet buns... pants... couches ... in no time at all... and quite a few laughs...
the beautiful setting at Destiny Orphange:)
Caleb and louis were like little kid magnets...:) 

IT is always neat to see a new place and hear the vision of those who are on the front lines serving the orphans here on the ground in uganda daily! 

We headshots  to sanyu this afternoon to the baby home... my special felix was adopted... i am so thankful he has a forever family!! But many kids were still there doing th same thing a WHOLE year later... BREAKS MY HEART!! 

They had a BIG number of tiny babies... like 2 weeks or younger... brought by the police found abandoned in the city... some on the rubbish piles!  This is the reality in Uganda. While they work hard to care for the babies... these are tiny babies who are exposed to all sorts of illnesses being in this setting... my fist thought was... how will these tiny ones survive??

I Just kept thinking these precious little ones deserve the love of a family... each and every one of them... especially hannah (hopefully i can write more on her later) and my heart breaks knowing that some are still in the exact same spot another year later... will they ever get the love they really deserve from a forever family??  it seems so unfair...

Praises... emma got her passport updated in Illinois despite a record breaking snowfall in the city...
the rest of our St. Peter group made it safe and sound:)

prayers... the rest of the team comes over the next 2 days..
We are heading to the slums tomorrow for the feeding program with the street boys
And we had one lost baggage of donations...

Please excuse any typos... working off my phone:)  thanks so much for your prayers!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy to hear such a great update! Oh how my heart breaks for those sweet little babies. Praying for your trip to be fruitful and effective!
