
Friday, September 20, 2013

Sweet night...

So today I will do something I don't do very often....
I will head out and leave these 7 behind in the care of their very capable father...
I have the opportunity to attend a women's retreat with a group of ladies from our new church...
I am really excited to have the opportunity to ...  get to know some of the ladies from our new church, have a little time away, sleep, and of course spend some much needed time drawing nearer to my Heavenly Father...
It should be beautiful, the retreat center is right on the banks of Lake Michigan...
As much as I know I will enjoy the time away, ultimately, I know my place is home with these 7 that  I hold so dear to my heart, and of course with their daddy!
Last night, I returned from Bible Study and they had such a nice present for me... the house was CLEAN!!!  Because I will be away over my birthday, they had a Sam's cookie cake (I am not really a cookie cake fan, but Sam's makes the yummiest cookie cakes... it was my one request for my birthday) for me and a precious note that each of them had written on for me.   
My family has a CRAZY tradition of singing... um like a million verses to happy Birthday... It was so sweet to look into each of their eyes as they sang... the sweetest expressions... there is Levi (not the biggest talker:)  just thrilled to be banging his hands on his lap... Precious memories! 
I would appreciate prayers for safety and protection while we are apart... exciting news coming soon...

1 comment:

  1. First I LOVVVVE the pictures of the kids! Thy are really awesome! Second I am so happy that you got to get away for a ladies retreat they are so nice. I did not go last year but I plan on making a way this year. Third praying!
