
Friday, August 2, 2013


Yep, he is two alright...
loads of fun, sweetness, and preciousness...
but also...
a fair amount of screaming, temper, and anger these days.  I think that his lack of talking doesn't help his frustration level...
Not all of my kids have had a rough two year old year, but I would say Levi is giving me a run for my money at times. 
He is getting a lot better with some training... and I am so thankful for that... Daily I can't help but think, it is such a blessing that he is just so cotton picking cute that I can't help but love him through his tough moments...
I couldn't help snap a few pictures a couple of weeks ago as I tried to get all 8 of us out the door for church on Sunday...
This is typical Levi... going from happy to sad to angry to back to absolutely precious in a matter of minutes:):)  What a gift... every last sweet and crazy moment with him...

1 comment:

  1. Yep I am right there with you...Joseph has become so obstinate lately. A gift indeed! Help me to remember that Lord in the mist or a screaming episode;/
