
Thursday, June 20, 2013

on my heart

The next IVO (INTERNATIONAL VOICE OF THE ORPHAN ) GO TEAM is on the ground working in Uganda right now.

I can not tell you how much my heart longs to be there with them... last night I was scrolling through our pics from uganda... to be honest I was looking at costs on flights from our new home...

Meanwhile I was messaging back and forth with my precious friend linny about the moving the Lord is doing in the hearts of people right now to raise funds for a home for Praise and the 30 kids she cares for.  (More on those sweet kids soon) WAHOO LORD!  Check out Linny's blog at to read all about what the Lord is doing... (you will not regret checking out her blog... Incredible people serving an incredible God!!)

Anyways... not too long after we returned home from Uganda last January I got a phone call from linny asking for prayers for one of the kids we had met there.  She knew I would know him....I remembered him right away!

The thing that had literally brought me to the end of myself while there was hearing from the  of the rats that came in the house and chewed on the kids feet at night.  They have normal size rats and they have rats that no lie are like cats... truly!!  being a mama I COULD NOT fathom it... my heart broke in 2... I was sobbing for them... so so unfair and seemingly impossible to fathom when we live like we do...

What she had told me about this little guy was worse... much worse... I immediately was praying and have continued...

It isn't my story to share... but please read linny's blog post I linked to below to read about it... and rejoice with me that soon... really soon,  these sweet precious children will have a safe home one rats won't be able to come in at night and harm them.

Here is the link, scroll down to the post titled "a yukky story.

Our God is so faithful to get us through this life... even the really hard yucky stuff.

(Lou and ella with some of the kids at praises:)

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