
Saturday, February 2, 2013

My feelings exactly...

Here is what my sweet 23 year old friend who went on the trip with me posted on facebook last night... thought I would share it with you as she shares my sentiments to a tee... Coming home to America is hard on the heart... Greg and I are using a gift card to go out on a date today and I CAN NOT WAIT to discuss some plans as to how we can make some real changes around here...:):)  

Looking forward to time with my hubby... Looking forward to how the Lord will challenge the 2 of us and our family in the future... 
Here are Katie's words!

After spending 2 weeks in Uganda, I was so excited to come home last night. I was looking forward to being with family and being comfortable.
But I’m finally home, and my heart is so NOT comfortable!

 As I woke up this morning in the safety... of my warm bed and clean sheets, I thought about the 10,000 children living on the streets of Uganda who are going to bed now WITHOUT a bed, who haven’t eaten in days or longer, who will stay up most of the night because of physical and sexual abuse.
They don’t have a family, a home, a bed, a toothbrush, a change of clothes, or any of the things I came home to. Instead of a frig full of food, they have a nearby pile of trash they will look through for their next meal. Instead of clean water, they have a nasty creek they may bathe and drink out of.
It’s not fair! My heart is broken!

 We need to GO more, GIVE more and PRAY more!!!
 James 1:27
This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

Proverbs 22:9
He who is generous will be blessed,
For He gives some of his food to the poor.
 Caleb and some of the street boys before a tough game of soccer in the slums of Kampala
 Weaving our way through the slums to get back to where the feeding program takes place... One little boy had said that he ate 5 times that week... 3 of which were likely the meals from the feeding program...
 Alicia and Ella with the street boys during the devotion and worship time...
 Katie and Ryane with the kids during worship...
The street boys and our team lining up for some futbol:)


  1. Sara -- the boys and I are praying about going on a future trip. thanks for sharing -- love mary

  2. Ok first... I feel so cool being in the blogger gang now so I can comment!! :) second... I wish I had blogged everyday I was there like you did!!! Catching up is going to be fun! Love you :)
