
Saturday, January 19, 2013

To the end of myself...

I think... No I know I came to the end of myself today...

It was one of the most precious, beautiful, gut wrenching, heartbreaking days of my life...

The reality of what we experienced.... Makes me cry out... "Lord this is so so unfair!!!"

I was sobbing tonight during our group time... Saying "This is just NOT OK!"

We drove out to Praise's house... Last year Lou and Greg went there and fell for two brothers... As we drove in I was watching for them... Right away I spotted one of them. Immediately he was grabbing my hand and we were waiting to see Louis. We spent time with them all day.... One next to one of us almost the whole day...

Our church donated the costs to get some supplies to put on a VBS for the 30 kids there and then about 50 more community kids... WOW?.. To see them praise their Lord with such passion... Amazing!!! I was asked to teach the lesson and tell the story of the butterfly and how God performs a miracle and makes us new creations. Praise interpreted it for me... How fun was that?
We played games, did a craft, had a donut and juice, painted nails and faces, and the boys played soccer. It was so fun... These kids who have so very little give you so much... You are just filled up with their amazing love... Every last one of them...

My precious friend Katy bandaged wounds for hours... Please see to read and see better pictures of the jiggers that reeked havok on these little ones feet. They had to be dug out... Leaving holes in their feet... Infected holes...deep wounds...

This is where I totally lose it... These precious kids... God's kids... have wounds that the rats chew on at night when the kids are trying to sleep... No lie... This is real life for these 30 kids... How I can go home to my nice home with an abundance of food, clothes... The whole 9 yards... And they literally are sleeping at least 2 to a bed (these are not all small kids either) with rats and chickens in their rooms at night??? I just can't fathom it...

Here I am tonight at our guesthouse and they are there... Probably scared... Hurting feet... Maybe getting bit on by animals... Too much for me to take... Where is the church?? The body of believers to care for these people?? Yet there they are with joy in their hearts and on their faces.... Amazing...

We hope to go back there... And are really looking forward to helping Praise more in the future!! We are hoping that there may be away for some of Praises kids to be able to be adopted in the future... Please pray for them... Praise is an amazing servant hearted 26 year old woman and these kids she cares for are so precious!!
We love them!


  1. Climbimg into bdd I saw you had posted...I couldn't read without commenting... my sentiments exactly- where is the church? Oh how Almighty God's heart must be grieved... so glad you're there being His hands and feet...and that your heart has been broken...praying! Xo

  2. Oh my. What a world we live in. It makes me wonder-did Jesus love me so deeply for me to live a life of comfortable faith? Where there is always food in the fridge, new clothes at the shops and somewhere warm and clean to sleep...I think probably not. How is it fair for me to be waking up in a warm bed with clean sheets and people worldwide living so differently with rats nibbling them. I agree that is so not ok and never ever will be.

    God lead us to share your love and may we accept the call to live the kind of lives that can demonstrate your love to the best.
    Praying x

  3. Prayers that the God who created both you and these precious children will enable you to be His hands in caring for them and His voice in continuing to proclaim His great love for them throughout the remainder of your work there and as you return home too.

  4. Continued prayers for you guys! The pictures are both beautiful and heartwrenching, so happy for you that you get to have this experience. Knowing your mama's heart, I imagine you're full of all kinds of emotion. Praying, praying! Love from the Boggs family~
