
Monday, January 28, 2013

The eve before the eve we leave....

I have so much more to post about our time here in Uganda...

But right now I am a mix of emotions...

I can not wait to see my little 5 and husband again... CAN.NOT.WAIT!!!!

I miss them so much it is crazy...

Yet, I know to cherish those moments with my older two alone, my niece, my sweet friend Katie whose daughter is hanging out with Samuel in Heaven, old friends, and new ones...

I know better than to wish any time away...

If the truth be told... My husband has always been ready for the mission field...
If the truth be told, I have been the one holding him back, at least until the last few years...

If the truth be told... I was the one who needed to come to Africa this year...

I have felt The Lord stirring in my heart BIG TIME over the last 6 mos or so... I know He is doing a work... I know He has plans for our family... But truly we have no idea what they are... I am praying that The Lord makes His very best plans for Greg, his ministry, our family, our ministry as a family, abundantly clear...

Every time something new or big happens, like Isaiah being born clear out of the blue.. I have thought was this it Lord? A glimpse into your bigger plan for us? Or now being here... I wonder again... Ultimately, I just want to be a willing servant...

If the truth be told.... I am a little fearful to return... I am afraid to transition back into American life... I am by far not normal, by many people's standards... But now after what I have lived, seen, smelled, touched and experienced, I feel even WAY more not normal... Lord please allow me to transition gracefully back into life at home with my sweet family... Yet allow all that has happened in the last 2 weeks to color everything in my future in a whole new light...

So on the eve of the eve before we leave... To head back to the states...
Precious memories are forever etched in my mind...

Memories of ...
Caleb walking back from church hand in hand with a precious boy The Lord saved just a day from death not too long ago...

Louis boldly proclaiming, "I love Jesus!!" At the baby home and hearing loads of little Ugandan voices echo back loudly... "I love Jesus!!!"

Katie tenderly working on wound after wound on foot after foot affected by the jiggers here...

Ryane being Ryane, making us all laugh hysterically...Yet embracing fully the hurt and brokenness of this place...

Ella allowing that group of boys their attempt at weaving her hair....FUNNY!!

Dwight, our fearless leader making sure we saw everything we could see here in Uganda... And getting down and dirty with us...

Emma, being a girl of 19... So excited to be in her new home here in Uganda... (It is so neat seeing the Lords plans unfold for her life right in front of our eyes)

Countless young women doing amazing radical things to show and share the love of Jesus with the fatherless kids here...

Team member after team member setting aside their wants or desires to love on, care for, get dirty (really dirty!!), getting peed, pooped, or vomited on by these precious little ones here. It has been such a blessed time...

Orphaned baby after orphaned baby or child, innocent and beautiful, all just needing to be shown love, care, tender human touch, Jesus' warm love...

My heart is touched... My heart is changed... My heart has fallen in love with this country AND with quite a few little ones... My heart has been so touched by some beautiful God loving God fearing older Ugandans...

My biggest prayer is that The Lord will use all of this... Not allow my heart to forget the precious things He has taught me here... That He will direct our footsteps and continually open up our hearts wide to HIS will and plans for our lives...


  1. Oh wow what a prayer. Ill be praying that for you too. It has been so wonderful to hear about your adventures. It has touched me more than I can explain. At a time I'm deeply trying to wrestle with what my calling is and how to obey it-well, the timing of your trip couldn't have been more perfect. I would love to hear your thoughts on the solution to the deprivation and poverty. Is it to be the hands and feet of Jesus, is it being a prayer warrior for political change, or pouring money in, or all of them? Maybe there isn't an answer. But I feel we must be able to be at least a small part of the solution. Rest well on your trip home :o) And enjoy those first cuddles arriving back home! X

  2. I can totally relate to what you are feeling, only I have not gone to Uganda...yet. :) Our family has felt these same stirrings the past year and are also praying about what the Lord has for us in the future. I will pray for your family as you wait on HIM in this! I have loved following your trip!!! Many blessings as you head home!

  3. Thank you for posting about your experience! Life changing...beautiful...seeing it and feeling it through your writings. Thank you! My children and I read each day...looking forward to the next day. My oldest daughter is wondering what group you went through...your church or an organization? She is turning 17 and feeling the pull to the mission field. So she has many questions and is researching, praying and asking questions. Would you mind sharing when you get a second? (my email Blessings! Becca

  4. Sara and boys,
    Praise the Lord for this amazing opportunity! Thank you for sharing the raw truth about the conditions of the people there...physical and have stirred so many almost 18 year old girl's heart for sure! Can't wait to visit about it all. :) Enjoy those precious loves and hugs from your wee you so much friend, I'll be praying for boots are still on! :)

  5. What a wonderful life changing experience! I so hope to go to Africa soon with our medical mission team, it sounds as amazing as I imagine! So happy for you and praying for an easy transition.
