
Saturday, January 26, 2013


We left Kampala yesterday for jinga... Jinga is beautiful... Way more lush and unpopulated in comparison to Kampala. We hooked up with some friends Louis and Greg knew from last years trip...

Let me just say we are an hour from the equator...AND IT FEELS LIKE IT!!! It is warm and humid... But beautiful all the same...

Today The Lord orchestrated 2 beautiful conversations with 2 different people... Both Americans who either just moved here or are in the process of moving here with their families ... Both doing great ministry work here... I love how God does that... Puts those exact people right in your path...

Today we spent some time at an orphanage for kids with disabilities called Ekisa. It was started a couple of years ago by 2 young ladies who are now 23!!! Yes, you heard me right... They started this orphanage at 21 years of age!!! The kids are well cared for and loved.... The mamas that work there seem to do a great job and be happy. We have been other places that are very different... Where the mamas (women who care for the kids) really don't seem like they like their job. This was inspiring and beautiful!!

These young ladies are doing a fabulous job!!

One of the pictures on this post is of the new team we are working with. I also posted pics of jinga and our great Ugandan friend, George, who keeps us safe and is so trustworthy:).


  1. I love that last picture it really captures the atmosphere. Praying for you so glad you are having a blessed time.

  2. Beautiful! Thank you for posting! Blessings ~ Becca

  3. What an amazing time you've had! Praying that your journey home goes smoothly and that you'll settle back into home life whilst processing everything you've seen and learnt. X
