
Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Well, my socks were literally knocked off last Sunday at church.  It was orphan Sunday so we decided to steal an idea (with permission of course) from a new friend who went with International Voice of the Orphan to Uganda last June.  We decided to jump on board and bake bread... sell it... every penny going to help the orphans we will serve in Uganda in January...

Thursday I asked a friend... how many loaves of bread should be plan on baking... I sort of thought around 50 would be good... She said 100... I was floored and thought that was way too many... (Oh me of little faith)  Between 2 friends, some of the youth kids, and our crew we had 57 loaves to sell last Sunday...

We sold out before the Sunday School hour even started... Literally no one from Sunday School or late church even had a chance to smell the bread... $1100 was given to the orphans... Praise God!  He is so good!  And we are so thankful to be able to have a chance to give to those kids who really need it...

So needless to say, this coming Sunday will be BREAD FOR LIFE take 2... Bread will be available during Sunday School and late service... We can't wait to see what the Lord will do this week...

Greg preached on Orphan Sunday... The Lord has done a miracle in His heart... I laughed out loud when he was preaching...  I remember when we were first married and talking about kids I had to TOTALLY TALK him into 4 kids... Here we are with 6 living here with us on earth and waiting on another little one... also knowing full well that we would love more if the Lord saw fit...

God wants to see orphans in families...We just want to open that door and let the Lord work through that open door or close it if that is His will... but it really isn't our decision to make... 

I can not tell you the stirring He is doing in my heart... Between reading the rest of Kisses From Katie, the book Seven, our family beans and rice challenge, and getting ready for our mission trip to Uganda... The thoughts I have are some that I NEVER would have had just a year or 2 ago... Maybe I will get to share more on that at some point...

I am so thankful to be at this point in my heart and life... and for G and I to be on the same page... the funny thing is we really have no idea what it means for our future, the ministry He has planned for our family, or our family in general.  All I know is that it feels good to be TRULY more open to whatever the Lord might have for us... not really what I thought I wanted Him to have for us:)  He is so good...

Right now... I can not wait to take the gifts that God used His people to give on Sunday and in turn knock the socks off of some of these precious little ones come January...

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