
Wednesday, September 5, 2012


The Lutheran Camp we go to for family camp is just over an hour away.  We were blessed again to stay in their air conditioned retreat cabins, and  have them cook and clean up for us all weekend.  I actually felt guilty just stripping the beds and heading out the door at the end of the weekend.  It was such a treat for this mama to not have to do any of the homemaking things I usually do.  I love doing it at home, but it was such a gift to have a few days off...
 Anna during our Sunday morning worship. 
 Greg was blessed with the opportunity to preach.  Our church had around 1/2 of the attendees for the weekend at camp.  It made it really fun for us and all the kids:)  All weekend the volunteers plan loads of activities... bible studies, worship, talent shows, games around camp, campfires, a movie for the kids, team building activities... all sorts of things:) 
 Louis and Jojo practicing their archery skills:)
 This was one of the highlights for Lou and I.  While the 2 of us were canoeing, we got within about 25 yards of these 2 fawns with their mama.  They were drinking from the river.  The mama spotted us and sprinted off... the babies weren't too far behind:)  BEAUTIFUL NATURE!
 A bunch of the kids from church:)
 Some more of the beautiful creation we saw while canoeing... not to mention HUGE fish swimming along side of us... Shocking!!!! this fish's head was about a foot wide... It was crazy big!
Family Camp Gourd, as we like to call him now:)  
We are so thankful for a fun and wonderful time with friends last weekend... and for the Lord's protection through it all!

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