God is so so good! This is what you get when the Lord allows two orphan loving families from separate parts of the country to converge on a park in Tulsa for a picnic...
This is one of my new favorite pictures... The two Elijahs encircling an Isaiah:)
Look at those smiles...
Beyond precious...
I love how kids can instantly become little buddies...
And look at these precious girls... Isn't it amazing how creative our God is??? To create all these beautiful kids...
so beautifully...
so differently...
so precious in His sight...
Kids from all over the whole who love HIM...
My sweet friend Linny...
We had such a blessed time with the Saunders family on Monday... It truly was a precious gift for us on so many levels to get to spend time with their whole family.
I love picking Linny's brain in person on some different things that she has far more experience than I do with...
We laughed and laughed as we sat over pizza, watermelon, and fake girl scout cookies from Walmart:) (Goodness Linny is so funny and witty in person:)
Lou and Greg loved being reunited with their fellow Africa mission trip friends Dwight and Emma:)
It was beyond precious for us to sit and fellowship with like minded friends who share many similarities with us... They fully understand what ministry life is like. (With it's joys and challenges:) They understand fully life as a large family, and the blessings of adoption. And ultimately it was such an encouragement to be with people that walk the talk... are the real deal... honest as all get out (I LOVE people who are real about who they are and aren't afraid to admit they aren't perfect... that day will only come when we meet our Savior face to face!) ... and continually inspire you in life as they lay it on the line... as they love and reach orphans and others all out of the love that they have for their Savior Jesus!
It was a blessed time...
We ended our visit by holding hands in the parking lot and praying together... God is so good to knit the body of Christ together like He and only He can.
Then we all piled in our big white vans :) and hit the road ... me for Wisconsin... and their family to continue their journey east:)
Oh my, what a precious time that HAD to be!! Would you have ever guessed that you'd be with the sweet Saunders family IN REAL LIFE when we were discussing their blog at the sem? How FUN, how awesome of God to give you this refreshing time before you hit the road!! Love to you guys, miss you!