
Friday, June 8, 2012


Some of the luminary bags...
All the relay walkers from our church... Cancer survivors in the purple shirts in the middle...
My survivor and our baby:)

The released butterflies right before the walk began and later Hopie got to hold one:)
Our Luminary bags in memory of Greg's grandpa and in honor of my hubby...

The relay for Life was great... up until about 12:00 when the lightning rolled in and they had to shut down the event.  I was amazed at how quickly we got our churches area taken down... Everyone really pitched in and it was so nice to see:)  The boys and G rushed to take down the pop up camper... ( So our very first night in the pop up wasn't exactly a success, although I did have Levi down...  But Hope was so jazzed she was literally rocking it from the other side while I was putting Levi down and she was still awake when we had to take it down  at midnight... that little pumpkin doesn't want to miss a thing. )  

It was a great night before the storm came in.  The Survivor dinner was really delicious.  I can't believe Greg has been cancer free for 20 years.  When he was diagnosed just 3 months after we started dating I never could have imagined the journey the Lord would take us on as a family.  I continually praise God that He saw fit to heal Greg and allow us to have a family!  Back then we didn't know if that would be the case...

Life is such a gift... and something we are not guaranteed will last long here on earth.  At the relay they do a great job of honoring those who have passed, have fought the disease or are still fighting the disease.  I think my favorite part is the survivor lap... Seeing all those courageous people bravely making the first lap of the night... I love it!  

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a powerful story, I am really touched! We lost my FIL to cancer last year and my compassion for cancer patients really changed he suffered so much. I am so happy to see these survivors! PRAISE THE LORD!
