I couldn't help reposting some pictures here that Louis had posted on facebook... Oh it does my heart good to see my boys and to see them loving on some precious kids. Wild, they are on the other side of the world. It makes my heart so happy, knowing that they are sharing the love of Jesus with these kids. It absolutely breaks my heart to think of kids with out parents or kids with out a family. It is not right and is totally not ok with me...
How did we get so lucky to be born into the families that we are ...and into the country that we have been? It is mind boggling to me and just does not seem fair at all... I know I would want to scoop them all up and bring them home with me. I continue to pray that the Lord would open up the teams eyes WIDE open to see who needs that extra special loving and that the Lord fills them up with supernatural strength, endurance, and love so that it just flows right from the Father and then out of them to all those they are ministering to.
DW spoke to some of these same things today on the IVO blog... http://www.internationalvoiceoftheorphan.blogspot.com/ It is a must read for sure!
My heart leapt with joy to hear of the new believers and how there must be a party going on in Heaven today!
Thanks so much for praying friends! Much love!
Praying! Keep the updates coming. Loved jo's prayer!
hi sara.....what a wonderful opporutnity for greg and louis, sharing God's love on the other side of the world. i know your heart is so proud of them. louis will never be the same (in a good way!) after experiencing all this first hand. prayers to them and to all they are witnessing to.
What BEAUTIFUL pictures! Praise God for new believers. I can almost hear the rejoicing in Heaven!
ReplyDeleteMuch love, Alisha
Continuing to have your husband and son on my heart and praying. Covering the team in prayers...