
Thursday, September 9, 2010


We are about to get back in the big white beast... and hit the open road...

I tell you I never used to think it was difficult to get ready for a trip...

But that was probably 4 kids ago:) That said, I wouldn't have it any other way:)
Well, except having one other precious little almost 2 year old boy in the car with us too:)

We all got another sneak peak at the little one yesterday...

He/she is the size of a peanut... only a peanut and there was the heart just chugging away... LOVE IT!

I can now be pretty much out from under the care of the California clinic... they said to call when I deliver... I have a little bit of a hard time believing that may really happen... a healthy, living, squirming, pink, screaming little baby in our arms next Spring...

We are trusting God each step of the way...

OH... MY.... GOODNESS... my husband was in rare form at our Love and Respect Bible Study last night... I feared I might be under the table in embarrassment by the end of the night... There were over 40 people there which made my heart swell for him... He is working so hard right now, between all he does at church, another masters class at night, and everything around the house... With a class at church you just never know what the turn out will be, but I am so thankful that people are seeing the value of this class. It is really good.

Anyways, I think what sent me OVER THE EDGE was when he was talking about how women and men are different and that we like to get together often and sit and visit over tea and GIBLETS...

What in the world are GIBLETS... AHHHHH CRUMPETS MAYBE??? oh my... he really did have me in stitches. I think the family life area is really his nitch and I am so happy he has finally found it:)

Well, I better run. We don't have a thing packed...

Be back in a couple of days:)


  1. Sara,
    Have a wonderful time away...and hope packing goes quickly for you. It is a process I do not enjoy and usually procrastinate to the very end and then run around like a crazy person trying to get it all ready to be packed in the car.

    I am over the moon excited for you that all is going smoothly (and you've graduated from the Cal. clinic!). WooHoo. :) I'll keep praying for that wee one inside you and for you.

    Love the comment your hubby made about the giblets...aren't those the things inside a turkey or chicken that are in a little bag? Too funny. Glad he has found his niche.

    Much love in Christ,

  2. I know family ministry is his area --- wish we could have been there to lauh at him...ahem...I mean laugh near him...ahem...I mean laugh with you! Love you all! mary and chris

  3. Today when he saw me, he said, "I'll have to tell you some time about Madonna." That was in response to my statement (which I didn't realize I said so loud) about not knowing who Madonna was when he mentioned her name. (I really do know who she was).

  4. Sister, we are totally cut from the same mold. 7 loads of laundry to fold and I haven't packed a thing yet! Yikes.
    Love the comments about Greg! I can totally picture him. Have a wonderful little trip.

  5. So glad that everything is going well for you all Aunt Sara! We're praying for you everyday :)
    We LOVE you!!!
    -Ella Joy
