
Saturday, April 17, 2010


A few days ago, Greg was out of town and I stayed up late to watch a movie, Julia and Julia. I don't think I started it till 10:30. Louis kept coming out every once in a while saying he was having a hard time falling asleep. This morning he admitted why he didn't fall asleep more easily. (I know this is going to sound really random, but here goes,) I had been eating an egg roll. He said he didn't want to fall asleep because he wanted to make sure I didn't choke on the egg roll. For some reason, it struck me as so funny. What a sweet kid though.

Then Jojo and I had the following conversation later that afternoon... He is such a funny kid...

Jojo says, "Momma , I wish you were my mother."

I say, "Jojo, I am your mother."

Then Jojo says, "Oh... then I wish you were my birth mother."

I almost died laughing... can you tell there has been adoption talk at our house??:) So we did a little talking about what makes you a birth mother... I just happen to be both, his mommy and birth mother:) It was so cute.

Then just tonight after our dinner devotions, he said out loud in a very loud, and somewhat worried voice, "How come my skin is all furry over here." He was pointing to his sunburn that was starting to peel.

He just cracks me up with the funny things he comes out with. I am so thankful for his silliness and the joy that it brings me.

My in-laws are in town and they blessed us by watching the kids so Greg and I could go to the Crisis Pregnancy Outreach fundraising banquet last night. We took two other ladies from church. This was the organization that we had Faith through last year. In fact, I remember calling Faith's mom for the first time on the way home from the banquet last year. Faith came o stay with us the next afternoon.

When I look back I am just in awe over all that has occurred and truly am so so thankful that she was with us. Even though there is still hurt associated with the death of her baby Joel, that we were going to adopt... we were so blessed by getting to know her family. And I would like to think that she was blessed by being with us for those few months. We enjoyed taking her to Nebraska and St. Louis with us... they are good memories. I miss her. We need to call her and have them over real soon.

That being said, I am amazed by the ministry of CPO, they said last night that they started with a budget of $200 wanting to reach out to girls in Crisis pregnancies. It is just awesome to think that 27 years later God has used these ordinary people, all volunteers I might add, to do extraordinary things, to save babies lives, to show Jesus to girls in Crisis, and to build families. It just gets me pumped to see the body of Christ at work, really being the body. It makes me just burn inside for my family to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. For my kids to really see their lives as a way to serve others and be Jesus' hands and feet to those in need.

We will enjoy my in laws for the next couple of days and then they will be back off to Texas... boo hoo!!


  1. LOL! Patrick thinks our kids are gonna be messed up! The other day Samara said, "Mom, "E" is Emma's mom, right?" I said, "I am Emma's mom." She said, "OH, yeah, because we switch moms around, right?" Silly kids.

  2. I'm telling you Sara, all of your kids are precious! But that Louis has a special gift and heart that has stolen mine! I felt that way when y'all were here visiting, and I'm continuing to see it over and over through your posts. JoJo reminds me so much of Emma Grace...they both have the innocent gift of causing intense laughter!

    I'm glad you were able to attend the CPO banquet. I know what that organization means to you and it sounds like an amazing ministry. I'm wondering if we have something equivalent here in GA? I'm sure we do, I'm just not aware of it.

    Thank you for your emails. I haven't had time to write you back like I've wanted to, but I do covet your prayers during this upcoming time in my pregnancy. You're unbelievably amazing to even think of that! Prematurity and stillbirth are lingering thoughts always on my mind.

    I'm also praying for the things you mentioned in your email. Praying for God's peace and strength for you as you continue this journey and wisdom for decisions that need to be made. I love you and SOOOOO wish we lived closer. We could sit with some sweet tea in this beautiful weather and talk for hours. I miss you!

    Love and (((HUGS)))!

  3. Your kids are too cute! I love hearing all the funny things they say... especially JoJo!

    I really love what CPO does... it's amazing to think of the journey you've been on with them. I REALLY don't understand how God works or why he works the way he does, but to know there IS a plan is so comforting.... and scary too sometimes.

    love you friend,

    p.s. thank you for praying. I have been having some serious anxiety lately, and it gets hard to calm down, but God has been using you guys so mightily in my life...

  4. The kids are adorable...they take my breath away...I have not had enough blog time lately...So glad that I stopped by tonight..Be sure and stop by main blog
    and witness a miracle.

  5. Hi Sara,
    Just wanted to let you know that I love keeping up with what you and the family are doing. Everett asked me to marry him the other day - and I laughed when I saw that Jo Jo asked you the same thing. Everett went on to ask if he could marry a girl that was a super hero. Can you tell what he is into? I also wanted to tell you about my blog. How does the saying go - "If you hang out long enough in the barber shop, you'll eventually get your haircut." It has been fun, and I have enjoyed letting some stuff float out there in cyber-world... :)
    Thanks for the inspiration.
