
Saturday, February 20, 2010


It was sweet girls birthday yesterday. I had bible study in the morning and came back to find the cake made by the big boys... They did such a good job. We had a couple presents for her but the funny part was that the kids were all coming out of the woodwork with things of their own that they wanted to give to her. It was really the first time that they were totally into what they could give one of the other kids. It was so fun to see.
Maybe someday I will be able to post pics of her eating her cake... She was so funny, it took about 5 minutes of no handed face diving at her cake before she realized she could pick it up and stuff in in her face. The kids got a total kick out of it. All in all, she didn't eat that much of it, really just played around. She is just precious, and we were so thankful to be able to have her here for her birthday. What a little sweetheart. I can't help but in my mind be thinking... I hope she stays... will she be here for her next birthday... But for now we will be thankful for the time we are given.
Then we headed to church for the chili supper for the school. Since we home school, we always want the school teachers, parents etc to know that we REALLY do support the school. Homeschooling has really not a lot to do with the church having a school. We love the school, we love the teachers, the kids, the activities, all of it. But for now, and who knows how long, we LOVE the lifestyle that homeschooling provides us. We are excited that we can pick up next week and FINALLY get in our Christmas trip to Texas. We love the flexibility and time together that it allows us. And we just plain down right love being with our kids. Before we know it, they will be out of our home, (Louis is turning into a young man before my eyes... YIKES!) and we are treasuring our time with them in our home, and the times that we have to train and teach them all we want them to know about life and their Savior before they go.
Anyways, I didn't at all want people to think that we just were out for a free meal last night, but rather a time of fellowship. The food was great, the company really nice, and by the way... my mouth was ON FIRE! I love spicy food... and the chili was great. They had a mad scientist come and do a program for the kids, which they loved. It was a nice evening. I am so glad we were able to be a part of it.


  1. Happy Birthday dear Hope! I know you're being totally loved on by your precious family. Our prayers are with you. Hugs to you from Nebraska...and lots of sloppy kisses!

  2. Happy Birthday Hope! I know you had a wonderful birthday with your family who loves you so much! And how special to have big brothers who will make you a cake!!! I'm sure it was delicious!

    Lots of love and birthday hugs to you!

  3. Happy Birthday Hope!
    I can't wait to meet you!

  4. Happy birthday, Hope!!! We love you so much and are so thankful for you.

    love you Sara!
