
Monday, October 12, 2009


This is my first go at Not Me Monday... where we all admit to some of those crazy thing that we do, that we wouldn't want most to know... being brutally honest and living to tell about picking the mold off your bread and making sandwiches with the rest of the loaf... or wearing the same socks for a whole week... Now really, I didn't do those things... just giving some examples...So here goes with my real not me Monday...

I most certainly did not let my four year old sit on my lap and drive us all home from Soccer practice through the neighborhood when he couldn't even see over steering wheel... Nope not me.

When the Chex Mix crumbs on the kitchen floor were driving me nuts today, it couldn't have been me who used my foot just to brush them all up under the cabinets so I wouldn't keep stepping on them. I would never be too lazy to just sweet them up.

I would NEVER stay up consistently past 2:30 am... just to really tire myself out so I get a good nights sleep... no I would never do that, it doesn't even make sense does it?

It would be gross if I went for a run, sprayed myself with body spray and then headed straight to church for Wednesday night class with out a shower... I would never do such a thing.

I would never get addicted to couponing, never, that would be a little bizarre.

And I most certainly did not giggle like a school girl when my four year did his "jiggly" dance in the nude... that would be encouraging a "not so good thing" wouldn't it. I would never do that.

It was not me who went outside and surprised the "pumpkin fairies" who were trying to surprise us with a cute little fall display in our yard. I would never ruin the surprise like that just because my children continued to yell that there were a bunch of crazy old ladies in the front yard. Not me...

And it couldn't have been me who stayed in my jammies all day, just to change late this afternoon to go for a run... no I wouldn't do that, I would probably just run in my jammies. Hmmm, actually it couldn't have been me who just changed my top and went out in half of my jammies. I would never be that much of a slacker.

Hmmm, that felt kind of good:)

I am not nearly as good at this as Mckmama is, head over to her blog to check it all out at


  1. Well, I think you did a GREAT job!!!! Oh...and the staying up until 2:30 thing...I would never admit to doing that almost every night here, either!

  2. hahaha.....I especially like the crumbs on the floor one...I would never do that, either ;)

  3. Now I know your secret to glowing skin on Wednesday nights :)
