
Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Wow, what a day. This morning when I was hitting the road jogging with Louis seems like days ago.

We had the graveside service today for baby Joel. Obviously, it was hard, but really it was good. Our birth mom seemed a little fragile yet seemed to being doing pretty well. She herself would say that she isn't an emotional person at all. But yet, praise God, I think she is really dealing with what has happened and grieving her loss. I am so thankful for that, given that when she goes back home even her siblings will have no idea what she has just gone through. Yesterday she and I were talking on the phone about how she was looking so forward to being able to come over after she had the baby to visit. She was really looking forward to seeing Joel grow and change. We will both miss that tremendously. She looked beautiful and handled the situation so beautifully. I still can't get over what this 15 year old has gone through.

When we first got to the funeral home, they ushered us into a little room where Joel's casket was. I am so glad that Greg's parents came into town last night, and that they were able to meet this sweet young lady, her mom, and her grandma. There were probably 5-6 ladies there too from Crisis Pregnancy Outreach. They have been so supportive of this young girl. After we had been in the room for about 5 minutes Louis just whispered in my ear, "Is that little box where baby Joel is?" It hadn't really dawned on me that they wouldn't know that. When I said yes, he just started crying... bless his heart. It is gut wrenching to see that tiny little box and know that inside was the child you were hoping to raise in your home. He had a difficult time through the whole time. What a precious sensitive young man. The rest of the kids were sad, but praise God seem to be handling it as well as can be expected.

Greg led the short little service. My poor husband, he usually holds it together amazingly well in situations where I am surprised he can remain so composed. Today was different. There were a few spots in the service where he just lost it. This is going to sound bad... but I am so happy to see him visibly grieving. I want him to be able to release what he is really feeling, not just shove it aside because his job or the situation warrants it. I know men and women grieve differently, but he has consistently been so strong. I have wondered many times if he really has even dealt with the loss of Samuel. He did a great job, I have an amazing husband... who no matter what the circumstances, cancer, job loss, death of a child, he is ALWAYS steadfast in His faith. I have NEVER met anyone who was more solid in their faith. He is unwavering.

When he was done we were all able to surround the birth mom and pray for her. I am praying that the Lord will draw her closer to Himself through this whole experience. Greg's mom said that the birth mom's grandma had told her that never in her life did she think she would ever see the 2 cultures come together like we have. They really have become like family in a lot of ways. We are really hoping to maintain contact with them. I told her Grandma today that I am holding her to her promise of coming over to make greens and gumbo:) They are very special to all of us.

Thank you so much for the prayers. Actually, tonight I can really feel an indescribable peace. I am praising God for that. Between yesterday and today I have really been able to see God at work. I will try to share some pictures of Joel or the service at some point.

Please continue to pray for this young girl. We really appreciate that.

I better hit the hay because I am dozing off here at the computer.



  1. Sara friend,
    Prayed for you all day yesterday. Little Louis is so precious. Praying for his heart. Quite a little man of God you have there. Praising God for His peace that passes all our human understanding. May you all be drawn even closer to the Savior. Loving all of you so-Sam

  2. Faith has been heavy on my heart, as have you all. Poor Louis! I cried knowing how he cried and just know this special young man is destined for something great! May God continue to draw you all close and comfort you with His peace,

  3. I prayed for you all day yesterday as I knew you had to be experiencing a ton of different emotions. Poor Louis, wow and the thought of Greg losing it...that hit me. How nice of you to praise his unshaken faith, that's how I see him too. And I know that you are grounded too, my friend. Questions, yes. Grounded, yes. Love you guys! I'll email you about something that happened this morning when talking about Samuel and Joel.

  4. Thinking of you and your family during this difficult time of loss.

  5. I am so so sorry. My heart just breaks for you and the sweet birth mother.
    We are praying for peace and comfort and the strength to have faith. We love you all!
    Aching with you today,

  6. I am so, so sorry for the loss you and your family are dealing with now. I have not checked the blog in a couple of weeks (because we had company for 12 days) and I was absolutely stunned. I am still in disbelief. I need to get out my copy of Hinds feet and reread it.
    I will be praying for peace and comfort for all of you - especially Louis.
    Grace and Peace to you,
    Sue (from GA)
