Today we met with Kaycee, our Now I lay Me Down to Sleep photographer, and her husband. She delivered the rest of our pictures to us of the day we spent with Samuel. We went home, all climbed up on the couch, and snuggled under our "Samuel" blanket that our Sem. family made for us and watched the DVD slide show she made for us. Needless to say, Greg had to get a box of Kleenex while we watched a 2nd time. I just kept saying I want another chance to be his mommy. I want another chance to hold him. I want another chance to feel him kick, I just want another chance. I know I was his mommy for the 9 months I carried him, but right now it just feels like that could never be enough. I am thankful that he is safe with our Lord in heaven today, but the grief is still so fresh and real. Her pictures were just beautiful. I know I am biased but God just made him so precious, all his perfect parts. I thought I would share a couple of the pictures and I will share more in the future.
I am praying that you have a blessed Christmas. I am continually thinking of my son in Heaven with his Savior, Redeemer, and Restorer. I am praying we feel his redeeming restoration this next year in a very real way. I was talking with a dear friend last night who said that she is praying for intense healing and renewed promises for 2009. Amen to that!
Today I wanted to share with you a verse from God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. My dear seminary Mother's Bible Study leader, Myra, sent it to me today.
God rest you, all good Christians, upon this blessed morn.
The Lord of all good Christians was of a woman born;
Now all your sorrows He doth heal, your sins He takes away;
For Jesus Christ, our Savior, was born on Christmas Day.
Breathtaking, Sara these pictures are so, so beautiful. What a Christmas gift, to see your kids altogether - she really did a nice job with your precious family. We love you guys, and will be praying for you and the new motto for 2009 "Intense healing & Renewed promises"