
Tuesday, April 22, 2008




Well, we are officially headed to Oklahoma! The last few months has certainly had it's fair share of ups and downs emotionally for us all. (You can ask Greg but I am guessing he would say being pregnant doesn't help at all with that:) The last few weeks have been a bit stressful at times. But through it all we know God is faithful. We are so thankful for that. We are also so thankful that the decision in where we were to go was not ours to make. We literally have prayed every morning as a family for the last 15 months that the Lord would place us in the right place. That brings us such peace and joy. Knowing that He answers prayers, we can and do trust fully that we will be where He wants us.

So we will be headed to Immanuel Lutheran Church in Broken Arrow Oklahoma. I think it is about 15 minutes south of Tulsa. It seems that Greg will be able to put to use the Family Life Masters Degree that he is working on from Seward, as well as be able to help with their Contemporary Worship Service. He is really excited about both of those things. All I can say is that Greg will just be so excited to be out actually serving full time again. He has really enjoyed the classes, but he is much more of a practical, go out there and do it kind of guy. So he can't wait to be back out in ministry. As a vicar he will get lots of other experience with preaching, teaching, helping with the school they have and any thing else they would like the vicar to do:)

One other HUGE bonus and blessing for us is that our good friends the Tiews ( who we were in a small group Bible Study with at Salem in Texas and who are now our neighbors here at the sem.) will be our neighbors again. They are headed to a vicarage in Tulsa. Wow, God is so good to place dear friends so close by. The kids are thrilled that they will already have friends in Oklahoma. And we are so happy to know that we have loving dear friends to count on especially with another little one due to arrive in the fall. What a gift from God.

We are so blessed! God has been so faithful during our time here at the sem. We are excited to see what He has in store for us in Oklahoma. We love company:) I am already researching what there is to do and see there... start planning your trips:)

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