
Monday, March 24, 2008


Happy Easter everyone. We are so blessed and we praise God for His goodness to us in His death and resurrection which we celebrate this day. Wow, we are so undeserving and He is so gracious.

We were encouraged at our church to come to Easter service on Saturday. St. John's being such a big church has so many visitors and families that come on Easter Sunday morning. We decided we would try it. It was a bit strange to go the night before Easter, but it was awesome. It really felt just like Easter Sunday Service. We spent Easter with our neighbors upstairs and good friend Miss InHee Cho. The kids were blessed with Easter baskets donated by someone to the food bank. Boy they loved them and honestly were a whole lot nicer than what we usually give them:) The kids had to run out in the snow, huge beautiful flakes were falling. It was a bit strange on Easter but thankfully it didn't stick around. We pray that you are finding joy and peace in our wonderful risen Savior Jesus.

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