
Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Praise God, Greg is done with finals. Yeah! One year down and one more to go here at the seminary. Then one year of vicarage. We are excited. The finals were difficult, but he survived. It is kind of funny to see him reading some of his school books just for fun. He says that now he actually has more time to read and enjoy it compared to just reading so much material to complete papers, prepare for tests, etc. Now he can take the time to absorb a little more. But actually he is spending a lot of time playing with the kids and relaxing a little bit.

Last weekend we were able to get away for a little bit. We went to Columbus Indiana to visit my cousin's family. The second picture above is of all of the second cousin kids together. We all enjoyed the great hospitality they offered us. What a wonderful treat. It was really nice for the kids and I to see Greg be more like his usual fun-loving, silly self. It was great! We all love it here, but it has made Greg a bit more serious at times. We did a lot of biking together and even had a chance to go swimming. It was really refreshing(chilly:) but that didn't seem to bother the kids at all, especially Louis the water bug. We also got a chance to go up near Indianapolis and visit some dear friends of ours, the Bramlets from Wisconsin. They have since moved there. We were in a small group together for 5 years. It was a short visit, but so special. We are God-parents to one of their daughters so it was neat to get to spend some time with her. All in all it was a real blessing for us to get away for a bit and have some family time together.

Louis had some standardized testing this week here on campus with some other home schooled children. It was kind of funny, he loved it. We were happy about that. The top picture above is of Caleb, JOJO and Lou enjoying some ...brotherly love:)

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