

I am wife of 19 years to an amazing man Greg... who has loved me through more than I ever thought we would live in a lifetime... He is loyal, funny, not perfect... but God knew perfect for me...

I am a mother to 6 kids living here on earth with me... and a few living in Heaven...

We are blessed to experience life here on earth daily with Louis, Caleb, Anna, Elijah, Hope and Levi... They are a total joy our hearts...

We long for the day when we will be reunited with our son Samuel, who was still born full term in October of 2008, Joel, the baby we planned to adopt who was still born at 28 weeks in July of 2009, Baby Hintz who we miscarried in February 2010, and the 6 little ones we adopted as embryos in June 2010...

We are so amazed by the loving sustaining power of our Faithful God to carry us through times and things I personally wasn't sure we would ever survive.  But through the storms of this life He has brought joy back to our hearts, heals us (and continues to... that is a work in progress... I think I will be healing until the day I meet Him face to face...) and knock our socks off with his miraculous power to do immeasurably more in our lives than we imagined:)

We are passionate about adoption and have experienced adding to our family 2 times through adoption
: 1 being domestic, our Hopie girl, and one through the miracle of embryo adoption in which we were blessed to receive our sweet Levi... 

We are so in awe of the amazing gift that adoption is... and are so thankful that the Lord has adopted us all as His children so that we have the hope of Heaven...

Our hearts are being moved more and more towards adoption and caring for the orphan... We are in the process of adopting again.  G and Louis experienced a trip to Uganda last year and myself, Caleb and Louis are going back in a few months... We know God is going to use these experiences and the movement in our hearts for future ministry... we just don't fully know what that looks like yet...

We can't wait to see His plan for our lives and our family continue to unfold... We are excited about the adventure ahead...